
Teenager rushed to hospital in life-threatening condition after vaping the equivalent of 400 cigarettes a week

Kyla Blight spent two weeks in hospital after her lung collapsed

A teenager was rushed to hospital in a life-threatening condition after vaping the equivalent of 400 cigarettes a week.

In the early hours of May 11, Mark Blight took his daughter, Kyla, to hospital after receiving a phone call saying she had collapsed and turned 'blue' while staying at a friend's house .

Kyla was found to have almost suffered a cardiac arrest, with the 17-year-old undergoing a five-and-a-half hour surgery to remove part of her lung.

She also spent two more weeks in the hospital before she was able to return home.

Kyla Blight has been vaping since she was 15. (Kennedy News and Media)

A small blister of air – known medically as a pulmonary bubble – developed at the top of Kyla's lungs and it is believed her excessive vaping caused it to burst and ultimately led to her lungs collapsing.

Unbeknownst to her father, the student started vaping at the age of 15 – even though she thought the habit was “harmless”.

Kyla reportedly vapes 4,000 puffs per week, which is the equivalent of 400 cigarettes.

Mark, who lives in Cumbria, England, said: “I have been to hell and back with Kyla over the last two weeks. I just attribute it to vaping, they can't attribute it to anything other than vaping. caused this.

“She was at a friend's house and I got a phone call at 4am saying she had collapsed and turned blue. I went to pick her up. We took her to hospital.

“This time her lung collapsed because of the hole. They put a drain in her. She's a little girl who doesn't like needles. She screamed. She was about to go into cardiac arrest .”

The teenager was rushed to hospital. (Kennedy News and Media)

He added: “I was talking to the surgeon and he was talking about these bubbles that can form on the lungs. They think it's the disposable vapes that cause these bubbles to burst and punch a hole in your lungs. Apparently it's a big problem now. He's done a lot of operations like this.

“It was terrifying for me. I cried like a baby. It was horrible to watch. I was with her the whole time.

“It was life-threatening. It really threatened her life because she was so close to cardiac arrest that Friday. They said she turned blue. They thought she was gone.”

The father wants to raise awareness of his daughter's “deadly” experience. (Kennedy News and Media)

The father-of-nine has since taken to Facebook to publicize Kyla's “deadly” experience, urging others to “throw out” because “it's not worth it”.

After her terrifying ordeal, Kyla has now opened her eyes to the dangers of using e-cigarettes which she “won't touch again”.

The 17-year-old said: “I honestly thought they were harmless and wouldn't do anything to anyone, even though I had seen so much about it. I just feel like everyone has the same point of view.

“But now I won't touch them. I won't go near them. The situation really scared me.”

Featured Image Credit: Kennedy News and Media

Topics: Health, Vaping

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