
Teenager reveals he left his parents on a Caribbean island to go on a cruise 'on time'

Teenager was made 'unhappy' by leaving his parents

Taking a lavish cruise vacation is all that's possible these days, but what's not? Opportunity.

According to one high school graduate, they had to choose between setting the ship's departure time or negotiating with their parents at the shopping stands on a Caribbean island.

The teen took to Reddit to share his conundrum, but ultimately shared that he decided to leave said parents on the island and board the cruise solo.

I mean…I would too.

The poster told Redditors that the cruise was actually a gift their parents gave them to congratulate them on turning 18 and graduating, but it was when they docked on an island to walking around that everything went wrong.

The teen asked Reddit if they were wrong to abandon their parents. (Getty Image Bank)

In fact, the teenager had anticipated that his parents would leave and forget the schedule set by the crew, which is why they told them that “if we went on an excursion, we had to follow the schedule no matter what “. .

They continued, “Well, it was a week-long cruise and they didn’t want to go back to the ship when I said it was time to leave.

“They were busy shopping and negotiating with the locals. I finally said I was going back to the ship. My mother waved me off.”

But of course, the parents “missed the start… by a lot… Like 45 minutes” because of their bad timing.

However, the parents didn't see things that way and wanted to know “why I didn't take the boat to wait for them.”

Not wanting to “disturb 3,998 people because two of them didn't understand what a schedule was,” the poster explained that due to missing them initially, their parents had to fly to the next port, which was expensive.

They then apparently spent the rest of the trip “making me miserable because I left without them.”

They shared that their parents made them “unhappy” for the rest of the trip. (Getty Image Bank)

Of course, most of the people on the platform were on the teenage side, and some had personal experience with the rules of the excursions.

One person wrote: “The docks and ship have a schedule to follow. They are adults and should be responsible for coming back on time. This is something you figured out in less than six months as an adult. At least you don't know it. I won't need to go on vacation with them after this.”

Another was quite annoyed with parents who expected their teenager to hold up a boatload of people just so they could finish their shopping.

They wrote: “Do they think that if they arrive late at the airport, the plane will wait a few hours? It's not rocket science. It's a mode of transportation, we arrive on time.”

Someone else chastised the parents for their immaturity, writing: “It seems like [the original poster] is the adult and the parents are the two children.

Featured image credit: David Sacks/Zuberka/Getty Images

Topics: Reddit, Travel, Cruise

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