
Teenager mauled by crocodile after backpacker's challenge

The British tourist who dared a teenager to jump into crocodile-infested waters has recalled the sickening moment he was attacked.

After a few drinks on the town, Lee de Paauw managed to say he would jump into the Johnstone River at Innisfail in Far North Queensland, before finding himself in a frantic fight for life with what was thought be a trio. -four meter crocodile.

Staying in the same hostel as Mr de Paauw, British traveler Sophie Paterson said there was “blood everywhere” as they watched the teenager furiously try to free his arm from the saltwater predator's clutches .

“He was talking about the local creek saying 'I can swim' and so we said 'go for it then' but we didn't think he would,” she told News Corp.

“It all happened very quickly, as soon as he jumped in there was splashing and screaming.

“There was blood everywhere and he kept screaming.”

The teenager is recovering in hospital after diving into crocodile-infested waters.

The Innisfail man was reportedly screaming and covered in blood moments after jumping into the water. Source: PAA

As he scrambled to safety, the 24-year-old shouted to her friends to call an ambulance before paramedics took her to hospital.

“I thought he lost his arm because of how bad he looked,” she added.

“I know he’s local and probably knows the area better, but I can’t help but feel compassion for him.”

Mr Lee de Paauw is now in a stable condition and is recovering in hospital.

Sophie Paterson watched in horror as the teenager was attacked by a saltwater crocodile in Far North Queensland. Source: Facebook

The tourist said she had no idea how dangerous the river was when she saw the teenager jump in. Source: Facebook

Queensland paramedic Neil Noble said he was glad Mr de Paauw was able to escape the reptile's grip before drowning in a “deadly roll”.

“Reports from the scene indicate that he dared to jump into the water, which he did and unfortunately this area is well known for its crocodile population,” Mr Noble said.

“We're just very grateful that he survived this incident because it could have been fatal.”

“(His arm) was very badly injured and I hope the surgeons can help him and give him back the use of his arm,” Mr Noble said, playing down claims that his arm would be amputated.

Brenton Gangemi, owner of local wildlife cruises Snapping Tours, said he believed the culprit crocodile was a three-and-a-half to four meter male saltwater crocodile that had been frequenting the area recently.

Meanwhile, authorities fear another Cairns man, who went spearfishing alone in Far North Queensland, may have been captured by a shark or crocodile after his dinghy was found anchored off Palmer Point on Saturday.

The 18-year-old was lucky to avoid being put on the “death roll.” Source: 7 News

Mr de Paauw was challenged to jump into the crocodile-infested waters by his friends. Source: 7 News

Today's news – March 20

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