
Teenager jailed for murdering two men outside Halifax nightclub as they fought over woman, while…

June 4, 2024, 5:33 p.m.

Rashane Douglas killed two men.

Photo: West Yorkshire Police

A teenager has been sentenced to 28 years in prison for murdering two young men outside a Halifax nightclub during an argument over a woman.

Huddersfield man Rashane Douglas, 19, stabbed Joshua Clark, 21, and Haidar Shah outside Maggie's, in Commercial Street, in the West Yorkshire town, on October 1 last year.

He also stabbed 18-year-old Brandon Coupe, who survived the attack.

Douglas was found not guilty of the attempted murder of Mr Coupe, but was found guilty of wounding with intent and sentenced to a concurrent six-year prison term.

He was also sentenced to 18 months in prison, also concurrently, for possession of a knife.

Learn more: Teenager guilty of murder after stabbing boy, 17, never met death on dance floor at end-of-year party

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Rashane Douglas.

Photo: West Yorkshire Police

Douglas stabbed all three men in rapid succession, after becoming angry because the woman he had planned to meet at the nightclub was already with Mr Shah.

The woman returned home and a fight broke out after Douglas attacked the three men. He was arrested the same day after surrendering.

He was charged with murder, pleaded not guilty but was found guilty on March 12 after a three-week trial.

After Douglas' conviction, the victims' families paid tribute to their murdered loved ones.

Mr Shah's mother paid tribute to her “beautiful” son and said she was “destroyed” by his loss.

Joshua Clark.

Photo: West Yorkshire Police

“No words can ever describe how I feel about the loss of my beautiful son. The emptiness, the physical and mental pain, the gathering of family and friends, the mourning and the funeral.

“I am destroyed. I'm confused. My head hurts, my body hurts, and my heart hurts. No mother should have to go through what I'm going through. I pray that no mother buries her child, especially one who was as precious as Haidar. »

Mr Clark's mother Rachel said: “Josh has been a constant in my life since I gave birth to him when I was 17 and I don't remember what life was like before him.

“Josh was my only child. I always thought that not having more children wouldn't affect my life because Josh was all I needed. He healed me; he gave me purpose and was everything and more than I could want in a son. Josh gave me the proud title of Mom, something I will never hear him say again.

Haidar Shah.

Photo: West Yorkshire Police

“I will never again receive another Mother’s Day card, thoughtful birthday gift, or simply a cuddle on the couch from my beloved son.

“Josh wasn’t just my son; he was also my best friend. We laughed and joked together, with his lively and intelligent sense of humor, life was so much fun with Josh.

“Now my life seems so empty and dark. My new normal is trying to navigate life without Josh, now that his life has been cruelly and needlessly ripped away from him by the actions of a brutal killer. »

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