
Teenager found with almost £4,000 of Class A drugs with 'a chance'

Khiarn Chandler, of Lawnhurst Avenue, Manchester, was sentenced at Liverpool Crown Court on Friday.

The 18-year-old was arrested at a property in Latchford in February after police received a tip that drugs were being sold from the house.

After observing the property, police entered and found Chandler, who admitted he was in possession of drugs.

A search of Chandler revealed no drugs on him, but £2,670 of crack cocaine and £1,150 of heroin, as well as £585 in cash, were found at the property.

The court heard Chandler became involved in the operation after finding himself “in drug debt”.

The teenager pleaded guilty to possession with intent to supply class A drugs and possession of criminal property on February 16.

Chandler's defense Mr O'Brien informed the court that the defendant was being assessed for ADHD and had a turbulent upbringing, but was now trying to look for meaningful employment .

Chandler was given a two-year suspended sentence for possession with intent to supply, and a six-month sentence for possession of criminal property also suspended for two years, to run concurrently.

He was also sentenced to 20 days of rehabilitation activities and 140 hours of unpaid work.

“This will be your one and only chance to seek rehabilitation,” Judge David Aubrey KC said during his sentencing address.

“In life you have a choice: either stay in detention for longer and longer, or make something of yourself.

“You get one chance and one chance only.

“Now it’s up to you whether you take it or not.”

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