
Teenager filmed beating traffic cops faces three charges

The 19-year-old man who was filmed assaulting a traffic police officer was arraigned on three charges on Tuesday.

The teenager who appeared in Milimani court was facing several charges, including: robbery with violence, resisting arrest and causing serious harm to a police officer.

According to the charge sheet, the suspect, along with others, allegedly stole a battery used for a police communication gadget and a mobile phone worth Ksh50,000.

The teen was also accused of also injuring the police officer whose items were apparently stolen. The officer was rushed to hospital for emergency treatment.

Entrance to Milimani Courthouse, Nairobi.


The judicial system of Kenya.

According to the suspect's lawyer, the teenager could be released on bail since he was still a student. If charged with criminal offenses, the teenager will be brought before the traffic court for trial.

The law specifies that if convicted, the suspect faces the death penalty for robbery with violence and a fine of Ksh one million or 10 years' imprisonment or both for assaulting a police officer and resisting police. 'offense.

This comes after the teenager was arrested on Sunday in Kayole after the video of him assaulting the policeman went viral. After his arrest, the teenager was taken into custody by the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI).

When asked why he committed the act, the suspect alleged that the police officer demanded a huge bribe and got angry, which led to the physical altercation.

“I was angry. We didn't understand each other because he wanted a lot of money that I couldn't get,” the suspect said after his arrest.

In a video showing his arrest, the teenager revealed it was the first time he had attacked a police officer. He added that he had no prior training.

The first incident was recorded in the Mirema area where the suspect dressed in jeans and a red basketball jersey hit the police officer who fell to the ground.

The suspect continued to attack the police officer who was trying to get up. The incident attracted the attention of other motorists who rushed to the police officer's aid.

When the teenager saw the motorists and residents heading towards him, he fled, leaving the officer in critical condition. This video sparked outrage among Kenyans who called for the student's arrest.

Screenshot of a viral video where a police officer was attacked in Nairobi on Sunday January 2, 2024.


Robert Alai

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