
Teenager dedicates his time to environmental protection

T-Mobile and Patch honor star students.

Calabasas, Calif. — Star students can be found in classrooms, on concert and theater stages, on debate desks and in the community, doing good things to improve the lives of all of us .

Here at Patch, we've started an initiative to help recognize star students, and we're working to tell the stories of these exceptional children to their neighbors.


This nomination comes from Christine Renau who nominated Ben from Calabasas, California.

Name of Featured Local Student


What grade is your local star student in?


How do you know the local star student?

I met him at my city's environmental event

Why do you think the local star student should be recognized?

Ben, a high school student, is making a significant impact on our community through his dedication to wildlife and environmental conservation. After school, Ben visits various local elementary schools to raise awareness about the harmful effects of rodenticides on our ecosystem. These poisons seep into the food chain, posing a deadly threat to mountain lions, bobcats, coyotes, hawks, owls, and even Hollywood’s famous mountain lion, P-22. Ben speaks with true passion, emphasizing the critical importance of avoiding these poisons to protect our wildlife. His presentations captivate the youngsters, who listen attentively, ask many questions, and share their suggestions. It is truly inspiring to see a young person choose to dedicate his time to environmental advocacy rather than typical teenage social activities. Ben’s commitment to educating the next generation about the importance of conservation ensures that our local environment is respected and preserved for the future.

What's one thing you want everyone to know about the local star student?

His unwavering commitment to environmental advocacy and his ability to inspire and educate others at such a young age.

Congratulations on your achievements and all the best for the future, Ben!

This content is brought to our community in partnership with T-Mobile.

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