
Teenager awaiting trial for causing life-threatening injuries to Stephen Termini breached bail conditions 14 times – The Irish Times

Teenager awaiting trial after US tourist Stephen Termini suffered 'five life-threatening injuries' in Dublin, repeatedly breaching bail conditions barring him from going near scene of shooting assault.

Three boys, aged 15, 16 and 17, who cannot be named because they are minors, are accused of violent disorder and causing serious harm to Mr. Termini (57) of Buffalo, New York.

Dublin Children's Court heard on Tuesday that the 16-year-old boy had disobeyed his conditions 14 times since the end of April.

Garda Sergeant Niall Godfrey said there had been six breaches of the curfew. The boy had also been seen eight times loitering in three streets, including once in Talbot Street, which he had been barred from entering by the court.

Defense lawyer Doireann McDonagh said the latest violations were accepted. At the start of the procedure, he was placed in pre-trial detention.

The lawyer said the teen had not faced new charges and revoking bail could result in a lengthy period of pretrial detention while awaiting trial.

The court heard he had completed an educational placement and was taking part in a community youth programme.

His lawyer pleaded with the court to give him another chance to prove himself and note that the boy's mental health had been affected.

“I promise you, judge, I will get better; I will not break bail conditions; I will listen to everything you said,” the teenager told the court.

In the presence of his parents and two other relatives, Judge Kelly told the boy he had “one last chance” and that bail would be canceled if there was another offence.

He and his co-defendants were ordered to appear again in June to be served with evidence books, which the state said were 85 percent complete.

The 15-year-old was given a similar warning that he could sit his Junior Cert exams in a detention center after it emerged he had broken his curfew six times in recent months.

He has also previously been taken into custody for non-compliance.

The third and eldest boy, who never had problems with his bail conditions, was granted a relaxation, allowing him to return to a north inner-city neighborhood.

Mr Termini, an artist and musician, was seriously injured in an incident on the corner of Store Street and Talbot Street in the north city center on the night of July 19, 2023.

Previously, the Children's Court judge declined jurisdiction to hear the case and agreed with the Director of Public Prosecutions that the case should be dealt with at a higher level with broader sentencing powers.

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