
Teenager and her lover arrested for faking their own kidnapping to demand ransom – News


Published: Sun June 7, 2020, 2:15 p.m.

Last update: Sun June 7, 2020, 4:23 p.m.

A 17-year-old girl in southwestern Nigeria who allegedly faked her own kidnapping to demand ransom from her mother has been arrested, police said on Sunday.
Seun Adekunle is accused of conspiring with her boyfriend to arrange her kidnapping in Abeokuta, the Ogun state capital and demanding 500,000 naira ($1,388).
“The two lovers were arrested on Thursday following a report from the young girl's mother that she had not been seen since June 1,” the police spokesperson for the region told AFP. State, Abimbola Oyeyemi.
He said the girl’s mother received a call from someone two days later, claiming to have kidnapped her and demanding N500,000 for her release.

“The caller also warned her not to report the abduction to the police if she still needed her daughter,” Oyeyemi said. He said police detectives were able to trace the girl and her lover to their hideout.
“They were caught hibernating while posing as kidnapping victims. They were quickly arrested.” Oyeyemi said the suspects would be charged to court after investigation. Kidnapping for ransom is common in Nigeria, where oil workers and high-profile Nigerian figures, including relatives of sports stars, have been kidnapped in recent years.

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