
Teenage girl's lung collapses after vaping the equivalent of 400 cigarettes a week

Kyla Blight collapsed, turned “blue” and had to undergo five-and-a-half hour surgery after her vaping habit forced doctors to remove part of the 17-year-old's lung.

Kyla Blight underwent emergency surgery after part of her lung collapsed(Kennedy News and Media)

A teenager who thought vapes were harmless was rushed to hospital with a collapsed lung after unknowingly smoking the equivalent of 400 cigarettes in just one week.

Kyla Blight, 17, collapsed and turned 'blue' while sleeping at a friend's house and was rushed into a five-and-a-half hour surgery to remove part of her lung after her heart almost failed. stopped beating.

Her “terrified” father Mark Blight is now urging parents to be aware of the deadly dangers of vaping. In Kyla's case, a small blister of air known as a lung bubble developed in her lung. It is believed the blister burst due to excessive vaping, which caused his lung to collapse.

Kyla was just 15 when she started vaping, and she would often vape 4,000 puffs a week, the nicotine equivalent of 400 cigarettes. On Facebook, his father Mark urged young people to throw away their vapes because “it’s not worth it”. The father-of-nine from Egremont, Cumbria, said: “I have been to hell and back with Kyla over the last two weeks. I just blamed this on vaping, they can't attribute it to anything other than vaping causing this.

Kayla's father Mark urges young people to stop vaping(Kennedy News and Media)

“She was at a friend's house and I got a phone call at 4am saying she had collapsed and turned blue. I went to get her. We took her to the hospital. His lung collapsed this time because of the hole. They put a drain on him. She's a little girl who doesn't like needles. She screamed. She was on the verge of cardiac arrest.

“They rushed us to Newcastle and she had surgery on Tuesday. It was a five and a half hour operation. She had a seizure on the operating table. I was talking to the surgeon and he was talking about these bubbles that can form on the lungs. They think it's disposable vapes that burst those bubbles and put a hole in your lungs.

“Apparently it's a big deal now.” He did a lot of operations like this. It was terrifying for me. I cried like a baby. It was horrible to watch. I was with her the whole time. It really threatened her life because she was so close to cardiac arrest that Friday. They said she turned blue. They thought she was gone.

Full-time carer Mark says Kyla's health problems began in November 2023, when she was rushed to hospital after thinking she was having a heart attack. An X-ray later revealed the teenager had a hole in her lung, which had developed from a lung bubble. She returned to the hospital in February 2024 and was told she was cured. But on May 11, the bubble burst and saw his lung collapse.

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