
Teenage girl mysteriously disappears overnight with her keys and cell phone left behind and the house door locked

A Texas teenager missing for more than a week left her cell phone and keys at home and investigators say her disappearance is concerning.

Andra Tristan, 16, has not been seen or heard from since the evening of June 4.

Tristan's mother, Pauline Espinoza, told KPRC 2 that the teen asked for a cotton swab and dental floss before going to bed at their Dickinson home the night she was last seen. The next morning she was gone.

Espinoza said his daughter's cell phone, house key and driver's license were left behind — and the front door was locked — adding to the mystery of Tristan's disappearance.

“If you had left voluntarily, I think I would have had answers by now,” Espinoza said. “She comes from a good home. There's no reason for her to leave, especially for so long without any clues.

The Galveston County Sheriff's Office told KPRC 2 Tuesday that Tristan's disappearance is considered concerning but is not yet suspicious.

Andra Tristan, 16, was last seen on the evening of June 4 at her home in Texas (Galveston County Sheriff's Office)

Investigators also told the outlet that Tristan was considered a runaway despite the teen's plans to take college courses and become a nurse, according to her mother. She had recently graduated from high school early.

Espinoza said her daughter was excited about her future plans, but then missed an appointment with a school counselor on Friday.

There has been no activity on Tristan's social media accounts, his mother said. Espinoza said she also searched the teen's phone for messages, but found no clues that would give her an idea of ​​where she is or any indication that she was planning to leave.

“I want her back. She's part of me, you know. It’s so difficult,” Espinoza said. “Every day is hard. I'm waiting for this phone to ping.

Investigators are continuing their search for Tristan and have asked neighbors to check their surveillance cameras from the time she went missing.

“We want her to come home,” her mother said. “It caused so much pain.”

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