
Teenage drug dealer convicted after being arrested by police in Oxmoor | News

Irmantus Gespautas, 18, told police “yes, I have drugs, I found them and wanted to sell them.”

Author: Cam HallPosted 15 hours ago

A teenage drug dealer has been convicted after he was arrested by police while trying to sell Class A drugs in Oxmoor.

Cambridgeshire Police said they spotted Irmantas Gespautas with two known drug addicts during a patrol near Oxmoor on April 9.

After chasing Gespautas, a search revealed he was carrying nine packages of crack cocaine and heroin.

He told police: “I found them the drugs and wanted to sell them.”

Gespautas, 18, of no fixed address, was arrested and subsequently charged with possession with intent to supply class A drugs.

He admitted the offense at Cambridge Crown Court and was sentenced on June 5 to a year in a young offenders institution.

PC James Sims, of the Huntingdon Neighborhood Policing Team, said:

“Tackling drug trafficking continues to be a priority within the force due to the violence, theft and misery it brings to our communities.

“We are working hard to disrupt the drug trade in Huntingdonshire, but information provided by the public can go a long way.”

Cambridgeshire Police are urging anyone with concerns or information about drugs to report them online via their dedicated drugs information page.

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