
Teen sentenced to up to 21 years for deadly 2022 Ingraham High School shooting

The teenager who fatally shot a classmate at Ingraham High School north of Seattle two years ago will be in juvenile detention until his 21st birthday.

The teen — who was 14 at the time of the Nov. 8, 2022, shooting — was charged with first-degree murder, assault and illegal firearm possession, and he pleaded guilty Monday to three charges. Following his plea, the teen was sentenced to juvenile detention until his 21st birthday with no chance of early release.

Ebenezer Haile, 17, was shot inside the school after a fight in the bathroom.

Another boy, who was 15 at the time of the shooting, pleaded guilty in September to illegal firearm possession and criminal assistance. He was sentenced to 30 days in custody and one year of community supervision.

There is never closure,” said King County Prosecutor Casey McNerthney. “This is such a traumatic incident for everyone involved, even those who heard about it.

New deadly school shooting

Garfield students will return to Central District High School on Tuesday, days after a 17-year-old student was shot and killed outside on Thursday. The victim was trying to break up a fight in the parking lot when he was shot, police said.

Police are still searching for the shooter.

A memorial for the victim has been erected outside Garfield. Front and center on a large sign is a message reading: “Stop Gun Violence. »

Some students who spoke to KOMO News on Sunday said they are calling for more mental health resources in schools.

“I was absolutely terrified,” said Natalya McConnell, a Franklin High School student. “This was the second school shooting in just over a year.”

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