
Teen sentenced for stabbing man to death in row of bikes

A teenager obsessed with knives has been sentenced to four years and six months behind bars for stabbing a man to death in a row over a bicycle.

The 15-year-old, who cannot be named for legal reasons, attacked Darren Edginton, 39, in a secluded alleyway after an argument in June.

They had argued over ownership of a “YoBike”, available for hire in Bristol.

Mr Edginton was killed by a single stab wound to the chest and the teenager was found guilty of manslaughter at Bristol Crown Court in December.

Judge Peter Johnson also granted the boy a two-year extended license.

The judge described how the teenager had a “keen interest, even obsession, with knives” when rowing with Mr Edginton.

“You went around the corner to a location where you knew there was no CCTV, intending to ambush Mr Edginton with the knife you were carrying,” he said. declared to the boy.

“When Mr Edginton came around the corner you stabbed him in the chest.

“It was a heinous crime. The almost casual manner in which you, a 14-year-old boy, committed this cold-blooded assault in broad daylight, in a public place, is chilling.”

Police were able to identify him using video surveillance and he was arrested ten hours after being stabbed.

Mr Edginton's blood was found on his shoes, police said.

Victim Darren Edginton, 39, was stabbed to death by a teenager in June 2019. (SWNS)

Investigators discovered images of a hand holding a knife similar to the one used in the attack and linked those images to the teen's bedroom.

He had seen news reports of fatal stabbings and had more than 600 images of knives stored on his phone.

The boy had a difficult childhood, the court heard, and was forced to supply drugs from the age of 11. He had taken part in an operation within the county limits and became a victim of modern slavery.

“You have been exposed to things that a child should not have to see or do,” the judge told the sentenced teen Friday.

“You have a deeply ingrained habit of carrying a knife. You were ready to stab someone over a trivial matter.

The teenager was acquitted of murder by a jury at Bristol Crow Court last year.

A jury at Bristol Crown Court acquitted the boy of Mr Edginton's murder at a trial last year.

During the trial, prosecutor Andrew Langdon QC said the defendant had an “established history” of carrying knives.

Simon Russell-Flint QC, representing the boy, said a statement submitted to the court showed the boy had lived a “life saturated with danger, risk and criminality”.

Detective Superintendent Julie Mackay, head of Avon and Somerset Police's major crime investigation team, said: “This is a tragedy for everyone involved.

“The video surveillance does not capture the moment of the attack, but we heard the testimony of the victim's friend who was at the scene.

“He heard Mr Edginton say he had been stabbed, shortly before he walked towards nearby Ashley Road and collapsed.

“He died despite the best efforts of members of the public and emergency services personnel who tried to save him.

“The accused was identified as a suspect through CCTV and arrested less than 10 hours later.”

She added: “In interview he initially claimed it was a case of mistaken identity.

Video showing moments before Darren Edginton – in the blue circle – was stabbed by a teenager – in the red circle. (SWNS)

“But, due to the weight of the evidence against him, including data from his phone which placed him in the path where the attack happened, he admitted it was he who stabbed Mr Edginton.

“He claimed it was an accident/self-defense, but the jury did not believe his version of events and convicted him of manslaughter.”

“Our thoughts are with Darren Edginton’s friends and family and I would like to thank them and all the witnesses who gave evidence in court for their assistance in this investigation.”

Mr Edginton's family described him as a “kind and caring man” and a “much loved father and son” in court.

Chief Inspector Paul Wigginton, Area Commander for East Bristol, said: “I encourage parents to talk to their children about the dangers of carrying a knife and to use this case as a concrete example of the serious implications of do it.

“Yes, these are difficult conversations to have, but they are worth it.

“The facts remain: you are more likely to be stabbed yourself if you carry a knife and if you are caught carrying a knife, or worse, if you use a knife to commit a violent act, then you put your future prospects in jeopardy. in danger.”

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