
Teen Praised For Expertise With Customer Who Called Her A 'Bitch' Over $6 Refund

People are flocking to social media to praise the way a teenage girl handled an adult customer who insulted her.

Anyone who has ever worked in the hospitality or customer service industry knows that the saying “The customer is always right” couldn’t be more wrong. And in this incident, the customer was far from right, but her rudeness was handled in the best possible way by the 17-year-old store employee.

Keke's Snow Balls is a family-owned business based in Willis, Texas, that sells ice cream scoops and flavored custards. Proceeds go to the family's orphanage in Guatemala, according to its website.

Alas, the company's charitable foundations and the children and teenagers who help run the store did nothing to deter one customer from returning to complain and demand a $6 refund.

A video posted to the store's TikTok yesterday (July 1) shows a woman standing at the front of the store with her hand on her hip claiming that she put $6 into her account with the store, but when her daughter came to get her snow cone, she was allegedly told she couldn't have one, then demanded a refund.

A small child working in the store tries to help resolve the situation, wondering if the girl gave the account number, but before she can even finish speaking, the customer intervenes.

Another kid who works in the store then comes along and simply grabs $6 from the register, hands it to him and closes the window, but unfortunately the drama hasn't really started yet.

The store is a family business. (Instagram/@kekessnowballs)

The younger one's preemptive “Oh no” says it all – with the customer coming back into view.

The teenager opens the shutter and finds herself face to face with a customer who is leafing through a book and calls her: “B***h.”

And the teenager's response? Well, it's simply iconic.

They say, 'Ma'am, please don't act like you're a grown woman. You're a grown woman, I'm 17.

“Get out of here. Don’t come back. Don’t come back. We don’t need you.”

The caption of the store's video reads: “We believe in standing up for our employees! Working teens should be treated with respect, no matter what.”

And it didn't take long for social media users to weigh in.

Customer decided to insult a teenager for $6. (TikTok/@kekessnowballs)

One TikToker said: “Over $6?! This is crazy.”

“We don't need your stuff. But what a queen,” added another.

A third commented: “Your response. I had a lady lose her mind at 17 when I worked in retail and I cried, well done.”

A fourth wrote: “The way you handled this at 17 is amazing!”

And a final conclusion: “It's so sad. She got her money back and still acted like that. These young women are incredible!!!!!!!!!!!!”

UNILAD has contacted Keke's Snow Balls for comment.

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