
Teen plans to learn business and be a missionary: Dunedin graduation cry

A Lakeside Christian High School graduate overcame a paralyzed arm, is helping his siblings and considering becoming a missionary, a proud mom says.

DUNEDIN, FL — Graduation is a big milestone and worth celebrating! That's why Patch and T-Mobile have partnered to recognize our community's outstanding graduates in 2024.

This submission comes from Kelly Johnson, who nominated Christopher from Dunedin.


Graduate Name


What grade does the graduate finish?


What school did your graduate student graduate from?

Lakeside Christian School

How do you know your graduate student candidate?

I am his mother

Tell us why they deserve to be nominated!

Christopher was born with a disability that left his right arm and shoulder paralyzed. He worked hard to overcome his struggles and after two surgeries and years of working in the gym, he definitely rose above. He was raised without a father. Born the fifth of eight siblings, Christopher always did his best to love those around him. In recent years, he has helped care for his older sister who is battling brain cancer and her own right-sided paralysis from the tumor. He is an incredible encouragement to her and helps her train her right arm the same way he did hers.

Christopher has maintained himself above a 3.0 GPA despite all the struggles and changes he has faced, and despite being raised by a single mother. Christopher will then learn a trade so that he can enter “closed” countries in the Middle East to help other children overcome difficult struggles by becoming a missionary. I'm so proud of him!

What one thing do you want everyone to know about your graduate student candidate?

He has a big heart and will help anyone who needs it

Congratulations on your achievements and best wishes for the future, Christopher!

This content is brought to our community in partnership with T-Mobile.

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