
Syrian teenager stabbed to death in Türkiye amid ongoing tensions

Syrian teenager stabbed to death in Antalya as violent attacks on Syrians in Turkey continue

Riots have taken place on both sides of the Turkish-Syrian border in recent days. [Getty]

A 15-year-old Syrian boy was stabbed to death in Antalya, southwest Turkey, on Wednesday, the Turkish news website reported. Bianet reported the next day.

Ahmed Hamdan El Naif was in the Serik district of the city when he was attacked by three people on a motorbike.

The suspects, who were all minors and identified only by their initials RO, YY and IA, were arrested and charged following the incident, according to Bianet.

Turkey has been gripped by anti-Syrian racial riots since Sunday, following reports that a Syrian man harassed and abused a child in the central Turkish city of Kayseri.

Mobs attacked and burned Syrian businesses in Kayseri and other Turkish cities, and several deadly attacks were reported across the country.

Syrians in the city of Gaziantep, which hosts a large refugee population, reported being unable to leave their homes to buy basic necessities for fear of attack.

Turkish authorities announced Tuesday that more than 470 people had been arrested following the violence.

Turkey currently hosts around 3.5 million refugees fleeing the conflict that erupted in neighbouring Syria in 2011.

Following anti-Syrian violence in Turkey, Syrians attacked Turkish troops in the border town of Afrin, killing four.

Xenophobia and racism against Syrians have increased in Turkey in recent years, with Syrians blamed for the country's economic problems and politicians from various parties stoking racial tensions in order to win votes in elections.

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