
Swedish Air Force eyes more weapons, personnel to conduct 'robust' dispersed operations

World Air War

A Swedish Air Force Gripen C fighter jet prepares to take off from Route 44 in southwest Sweden (Tim Martin/Breaking Defense)

SATENAS, Sweden — A senior Swedish Air Force official warns that it needs more weapons and base personnel to effectively use “dispersed operations,” the military's preferred means to defend against any potential attack from Russia.

Tommy Petersson, deputy commander of the Swedish Air Force, told reporters at the Skaraborg Air Force Wing (F7) on Tuesday that dispersed operations are “not as robust as I think would like”, but “more basic staff [and] “more basic weapons” would correct the situation.

One particular weapon could help, according to Adam Nelson, F7 Wing commander. He said he expects progress to be made before the end of the year in the acquisition of a new long-range air-to-ground missile for the Swedish Gripen C/D fleet, designed for dispersed operations.

The weapon “is not something we have currently, so I think it will be in the defense budget that comes out later this year in December,” he told Breaking Defense and other journalists, without identifying the ammunition. MBDA's Storm Shadow stands as a potential candidate to meet new weapons requirements and was recently used by Ukraine to destroy Russian targets. An MBDA spokesperson said the company “has a long history of partnership with Sweden and Saab and is ready to meet the missile needs expressed by the Swedish Armed Forces.”

Dispersed operations generally refers to the ability to geographically distribute military forces while still being able to conduct missions, ensuring that any enemy air strike would cause much less damage to, for example, an Air Force fleet . For the Swedes and other European countries, this can go as far as using regular routes for fighter jet landing strips.

“It is almost impossible to hide anything for a long time since satellites and drones will give the adversary good knowledge of what is happening,” Nelson said. “So the only thing you can do to survive is to be in the cycle of targeting the kill chain, the opponent, and then move.”

He said the Air Force is “exploring opportunities” to further develop dispersed operations to focus on more maneuverable core units, logistics concepts and command and control capabilities. It's “an ongoing process, but the basic idea of ​​moving, dispersing and hiding in the woods is still there,” he added.

The Swedish Air Force, supported by a number of conscripts, ground crews, oil trucks and weapons, demonstrated a series of Gripen C runway takeoffs and landings to nearby media of the F7 base. The base is home to three Gripen squadrons: two operational and one for conversion training of Swedish and international pilots. It also houses 100 conscripts, currently in their “last two weeks” of service, Nelson said. (Breaking Defense accepted travel and accommodation from Gripen manufacturer Saab)

During the training exercise, using Route 44 roads, the ground team also loaded and unloaded Raytheon AIM-120 Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missiles (AMRAAM) and air-to-air missiles. air Meteor beyond visual range (BVRAAM) on and off the Gripen Aircraft. Pilots fly only with dummy or training munitions for road operations, but maintainers must practice reloading the weapons and turning the plane, Nelson said.

The disclosure of the plan to acquire new long-range missiles comes a month after the Swedish Defense Commission advised Stockholm to approve a number of recommendations when it decides on the next defense bill , including the additional purchase of air-to-air and cruise missiles.

Swedish dispersed operations training requires aircrew to load and unload Gripen weapons like Raytheon's AIM-120 advanced medium-range air-to-air missile (Tim Martin/Breaking Defense)

At the personnel level, he also proposes an increase in conscription by 12,000 soldiers in 2032, or 4,000 more than the current number.

“We have already grown since the last defense bill [in] 2020,” Petersson said. “We can all see additional resources coming” from the new bill.

If passed, the future legislation will also see Stockholm increase its defense spending to 2.6% of GDP by the end of the decade, based on proposed new funding of SEK 52.8 billion (4, 8 billion dollars).

Sweden's emphasis on dispersed operations remains consistent with efforts to increase preparedness in the context of Russia's war in Ukraine, with freedom of maneuver beyond reliance on fixed bases essential to undermining the plan of attack of an enemy.

Ukrainian and Russian air bases were frequently targeted during the war. Most recently, a long-range Ukrainian strike on Belbek airbase in occupied Crimea reportedly destroyed three Russian planes, according to Reuters.

Sweden has a long tradition of running dispersed operations, but across Europe other countries are keen to follow suit.

Italian Eurofighters, Polish Su-22 and MiG-29 fighter jets and a Turkish-made TB2 drone all took part in road flights as part of Poland's week-long 'Route 604' exercise, in March.

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