
Surprise Firefighters' 'Paramedic of the Year' Battles Stage 4 Cancer

PHOENIX (AZFamille) — The Surprise Fire Medical Service recognized its top emergency responders at an awards ceremony Thursday and bestowed the title of “Paramedic of the Year” on Paul Johnson.

Surprise Fire says the majority of Johnson's fellow paramedics are firefighters. He is one of the few civilians and has worked at the ministry since 2018.

Johnson is known as the go-to man who has a positive attitude and a calling to serve.

“Surprised. There's a lot of great competition. I work with some fantastic, fantastic paramedics,” he said.

Battalion Chief Larry Subervi has a different view.

“If you statistically went with 100 paramedics and only one wins it per year, you have a 1% chance of winning it, right. This would be the case if everyone was equal. Paul is simply not equal to everyone else. He’s on a different level as a doctor,” Subervi said.

The timing of this award makes it all the more meaningful to Johnson and his family. Due to his state of health, he is currently on disability.

“I went from no cancer to stage 4 cancer,” Johnson said.

It happened quickly. Johnson first noticed something was wrong in April. He said he wasn't really feeling well and had stomach pains.

“I would be full after four or five bites, which is unlike me,” he said.

So he went to the emergency room and eventually learned he had esophageal cancer that had metastasized to his liver.

“I didn’t really want to cry, but I got a little teary-eyed,” Johnson said. “Things were going through my head like mortgages and bills and, you know, dealing with my kids who are 11, 9 and 6. You know, we have big news and life is going to change.”

Now, Johnson gets all of his nutrients through a feeding tube since he can't eat and is undergoing chemotherapy.

The firefighters offered overwhelming support, with meals for his family, rides to doctor's appointments and help with landscaping.

“It means I have support and I have reasons to be here,” Johnson said.

“Paul is one of those paramedics that you would want to take care of your family,” Subervi said.

Johnson was nominated by his peers and selected by a panel of judges to be “Paramedic of the Year” before his diagnosis. It is a touching tribute to his years of dedication spent serving and saving others.

“His recognition today has nothing to do with his diagnosis and has everything to do with who he already was,” Subervi said.

“It means the world,” Johnson said.

Johnson says his goal is to return to work as soon as he can. If you would like to help his family, click here for a link to their fundraiser.

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