
Studio City man arrested for allegedly causing fireworks to shoot off helicopter in video he made

A San Fernando Valley man has been arrested in connection with a federal criminal complaint alleging he made a YouTube video in which two women in a helicopter — flying close to the ground and without a filming permit — shot at fireworks on a Lamborghini sports car several times last year in San Bernardino County. , announced the Ministry of Justice on Thursday June 6.

Suk Min Choi, 24, aka “Alex Choi,” of Studio City, is charged with one count of placing an explosive or incendiary device on an aircraft. He was arrested on Wednesday June 5 and his arraignment is expected in the coming weeks.

According to an affidavit filed with the complaint, on July 4, 2023, Choi posted a video on his YouTube channel titled “Destroying a Lamborghini with Fireworks.” In the video, Choi allegedly presses a “fire missiles” button while two women are in a helicopter, shooting fireworks at a Lamborghini sports car at high speed. Law enforcement believes the video was filmed on the bed of El Mirage Dry Lake in San Bernardino County.

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