
Strong Teen Friendships Build Lasting Resilience

The strong bonds of friendship formed during adolescence can offer much more than companionship and fun. Recent research suggests that these connections may have a lasting impact on our resilience and ability to cope with life's challenges into adulthood.

A study by researchers at the University of Birmingham has shed light on this fascinating link.

The team, led by Dr Maria Dauvermann from the University's School of Psychology and Institute of Mental Health, explored how the quality of friendships at age 14 is linked to resilience in later life adult, particularly for those who have experienced childhood trauma.

Resilience: more than just bouncing back

Resilience is the ability to adapt and recover from adversity, challenges or trauma. It is about maintaining or regaining mental, emotional and behavioral balance despite difficult experiences.

Resilient individuals use coping strategies, social support, and personal strengths to get through difficult times. This dynamic process can be strengthened by positive relationships, self-awareness and a supportive environment, allowing better management of life's ups and downs.

“We expect that everyone will have mental health problems after any sort of stressful experience, at least in the short term,” Dr. Dauvermann said.

“By using the definition of resilient functioning, we take a more sophisticated and dynamic approach that takes into account a range of different behavioral measures at different times and in relation to the particular severity of the trauma experienced.”

This nuanced view of resilience takes into account an individual's social, emotional, and behavioral functioning in relation to their past trauma.

It's not just about “bouncing back,” but also about how well a person overcomes life's challenges given their unique experiences.

From teenage friendship to adult resilience

The researchers conducted a longitudinal study with a group of individuals aged 14 to 24 years old. At age 14, study participants completed the Cambridge Friendship Questionnaire.

The initial survey included 1,238 participants, of whom 436 completed the final survey at age 24. Of these remaining participants, 62 volunteers were recruited for a brain imaging study.

The experts used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to observe participants' neural responses during a simulated social exclusion activity. It was a virtual ball-tossing game with two avatars.

The results of this decade-long study were illuminating. The researchers found that better friendship quality at age 14 was strongly linked to better resilient functioning at age 24.

The study also found that participants with higher resilient functioning showed more positive responses to social inclusion in the brain imaging experiment.

According to experts, the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex – an area associated with the generation and regulation of emotions – showed notable activity during the experiment.

Complexity of social exclusion

Interestingly, the relationship between resilient functioning and responses to social exclusion was less clear.

“Youth mental health is a complex and nuanced area. One of the things we hope to achieve through research programs like this is to increase both awareness and understanding, which will enable young people to seek help when they need it.” , underlined Dr Dauvermann.

Harness the power of friendship

This study opens new avenues for understanding and potentially improving youth mental health outcomes.

The researchers suggest that more research is needed to understand how adolescent friendships contribute to resilient functioning in early adulthood.

Exploring the potential of increased peer support as an intervention for youth with mental health concerns may be a promising direction for future research.

The enduring value of adolescent bonds

Although the complexities of mental health and resilience require further study, this research highlights the profound importance of fostering strong, supportive friendships during adolescence. These early connections may well lay the foundation for lifelong resilience and well-being.

As we continue to unravel the mysteries of human resilience, one thing becomes clear: the friends we make in adolescence may do more than just share our journey: they could shape our ability to meet the challenges of life. life for years to come.

The study is published in the journal Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience.


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