
Steven Seagal's acting career hits new low in Nutso Kremlin speech

Action star turned Putin friend Steven Seagal delivered a painful speech to the Kremlin on Thursday as he received an award for his questionable accomplishments as the Kremlin's special diplomatic representative to the United States.

Looking at a prepared text, the Besieged The star impassively urged those present to “come together and fight for truth and justice” against Nazi propaganda after the Russian president awarded him the Order of Friendship for his “great contribution” to cultural cooperation international.

Reciting a list of the Kremlin's fantastical claims about Ukraine as convincingly as if he were reading the ingredients on the back of a cereal box, Seagal wondered aloud why the world wouldn't take notice. Ukraine's supposed history of “human trafficking, organ trafficking, drug trafficking, child sex trafficking” – pretty much all trafficking – “biochemical warfare laboratories, fascism and Nazism” .

“And these are the things that we still tried to make our brothers,” he said awkwardly in English. “This war we are currently involved in was started and financed by the West, and has ended up involving the entire world in the fight against good and evil. »

Seagal, 72, personally received a Russian passport from Vladimir Putin in 2016 and in 2018 was appointed special envoy to “facilitate relations between Russia and the United States in the humanitarian field, including cooperation in the areas of culture, arts, public and youth exchanges. » It is unclear what he accomplished in this role, as he appears to serve more as a personal cheerleader for the Russian president.

At Putin's inauguration ceremony for his fifth term earlier this month, Seagal told reporters: “He is the greatest world leader, he is the greatest. »

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