
Statement from Dean Camille Nelson on the Pittsburgh Synagogue Mass Shooting – Announcements – Dean & Leadership

Statement from Dean Camille Nelson on the Pittsburgh Synagogue Mass Shooting

Dear CMT community,

I reach out to you today with a heavy heart, deeply saddened by the acts of violence that took place yesterday at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Squirrel Hill, Pennsylvania. Hate has no place in our society and senseless acts of violence like these run counter to the notions of community, inclusion and freedom we cherish. As President Burwell said in her message to the community: “While this unspeakable tragedy has shocked and saddened us all, it is also an opportunity to remember the values ​​we hold dear at American University: mutual understanding and respect, support and, above all, compassion. My thoughts, and I know they are yours, are with the victims, their families and their community, as well as those members of the AUWCL and AU community who have been affected by this attack.

There will be a prayer vigil at the Kay Spiritual Life Center tomorrow, Monday October 29, at 3:00 p.m., to mourn, support each other and offer solidarity with those affected by this terrible crime.

If you would like to speak with someone about how these tragic events are affecting you, I invite you to seek help by contacting the AU Counseling Center (202-885-3500; Mary Graydon Center, Room 214 ) for an appointment, or to come see us during their reception hours from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday to Friday. You can also contact Jason Benkendorf of AU Hillel (202-885-3322; [email protected]). Students may also stop by or contact the Dean of Students Office (202-274-4030; [email protected]) for assistance and support.



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