
State board pardons St. Paul firefighter in 2004 fatal shooting of teen

St. Paul firefighter Tim Morin barely served his first sentence before the pardon board Wednesday before his voice cracked and he had to take a moment to begin, for the second time in five years, asking for clemency for the death of the firefighter. shooting of a teenager twenty years ago.

“I’m a husband,” he said, choking up before adding that he’s also a father, an emergency medical technician and, for the past year, a St. Paul city firefighter. He then listed his extensive volunteer work and how he overcame obstacles related to his belief in becoming a firefighter.

He spoke with three of the state's most powerful elected officials, who would determine whether he had done enough over the past two decades to merit closing the door on his past.

Gov. Tim Walz, Attorney General Keith Ellison and Chief Justice Natalie Hudson would decide whether to grant a pardon that would allow Morin to do the things he has said he wants to do, including accompanying his sons on school trips, teaching Sunday school, coaching young people. playing sports and leading a Cub Scout pack.

Jeanne Harstad, the mother of a high school friend, and St. Paul Fire Chief Butch Inks sat next to Morin and vouched for his character.

“I invite you to look beyond the past,” Inks said. “Tim faced the consequences of his actions with contrition and humility.”

The chief spoke of Morin's many redemption efforts, including building a playground for children at a domestic violence shelter. Morin also intervened and guided the troubled son of his former cellmate. The son, now a young man specializing in the U.S. Army, watched from the audience.

“I believe in Tim and I believe in second chances,” the chief said. “He will always pay it forward.”

Morin was sentenced in Dakota County District Court in 2006 to two years in prison after pleading guilty to shooting 17-year-old Shawn Ferber. Morin claimed it was self-defense because Ferber was one of more than a dozen teens from Apple Valley and Eagan who allegedly used a drug deal as a ruse to lure Morin and a friend in a park in 2004.

In exchange for his plea to conspiracy to commit robbery, the murder charge was dropped against Morin, who was 20 when he was convicted. More than a dozen youths pleaded guilty to rioting and assault charges in the incident.

Walz and Ellison had already seen Morin. Five years ago, the same commission rejected his request for clemency when then-Chief Justice Lorie Gildea voted against it. At the time, the board's vote had to be unanimous to grant a pardon. No more.

Now, petitioners only need the vote of the governor and one of the two other board members. This time, the vote in favor of pardon was unanimous.

Before the vote, Walz told Morin he had a 17-year-old son and asked Morin what he would say to a teenager to help him avoid a similar mistake. Morin says he knows teens don't think this will happen to them and that it's not one bad night, but rather a series of bad choices that lead up to it.

Dan and Susan Ferber, Shawn Ferber's parents, also supported Morin's pardon. Dan Ferber told the board he had been in contact with Morin on and off over the years. Afterwards, both parents hugged Morin.

Dan Ferber said they also supported Morin in honor of their son. “Shawn was a really loving and forgiving guy,” he said.

The governor said to the Ferbers: Your coming here speaks volumes about what redemption and forgiveness can look like. »

Ellison told Morin it was good to see him again. “One of the things I look for all the time is, did you learn something and it’s clear that you did,” Ellison said.

The board of directors meets twice a year. Morin's pardon was one of 20 pardons considered Wednesday and more are planned for Thursday. In December, the council will operate under new procedures adopted by Parliament in 2023.

Rather than going directly to the commission, applications will first be reviewed and heard by a nine-member Pardon Review Commission, which will recommend granting or rejecting pardons. There will also no longer be a five-year waiting period to apply and, in addition to expunging convictions, a pardon will result in the automatic expungement of arrest and court records.

The tone of the boards of directors has changed considerably since pardons no longer have to be unanimous and since Gildea's departure.

Walz began the day’s session by saying, “The idea of ​​restoration and new beginnings is real and it starts here. »

The board was in a lenient mood, with the exception of three men, including one convicted of malicious punishment of a child in 2010. Committee members said they needed more assurances from his that this would not happen again. Walz, reading from the criminal file, noted that the man had burned the child with an iron and that the child had run to hide in an oven.

Hudson told William Hurley that the conviction was “beyond disturbing.” It's cruel. It’s vicious.” She asked: “Do you have any remorse for this event? I don't hear any remorse. I don't sense that this comes from you.

Hurley said he was remorseful and wished it never happened. “I don’t go around thinking about hitting kids, that’s not me,” he said.

All three board members voted against his pardon. “You’re still a young man,” Walz said after the vote. “I encourage you to continue on the path.”

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