
Shots fired in a motorcade – the alleged perpetrator has been identified

Crime – Shooting in a procession – the alleged perpetrator is identified

After shooting at a motorcade in Tuttlingen, police identified the suspected perpetrator. According to the Rottweil public prosecutor's office, a 60-year-old man is strongly suspected of having fired an air gun from an apartment building. A driver was injured in the arm. The 32-year-old Romanian fan had opened his car window after his team's match against Slovakia on Wednesday evening when he suddenly felt pain in his left arm.

Arm injury

The man discovered a small bleeding wound on his arm and found in the car an air pistol projectile, also known as a Diabolo projectile. This type of ammunition is diverse and roughly cup-shaped, usually made of metal.

Suspected: dangerous bodily harm

Investigations are ongoing against the 60-year-old man for serious assault and battery. A previously opened window in the building, which also corresponded to the previously determined alleged police line of fire, led investigators on the right track. After searching the apartment in question, the suspicious weapon was secured.

The incident took place in the quiet town of Tuttlingen in the German state of Baden-Württemberg. The alleged shooter is believed to have fled in a car, as a motorcade was present at the time of the crime. The Rottweil prosecutor’s office is following the case closely, ensuring that justice is served for the Slovakian victim who was watching a football match. Despite the harrowing experience, the football fan’s resilience was evident, as he continued to support his team even after being injured.

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