
Shooting suspect held in custody after waiving preliminary hearing

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District of Columbia Superior Court Judge Heide Herrmann ordered a shooting defendant to remain in custody after waiving a preliminary hearing at a July 2 hearing.

Kevin Snead, 41, is charged with assault with a dangerous weapon and possession of a firearm during a violent crime for his alleged involvement in a non-fatal shooting at the intersection of 15th Street and Independence Avenue, SE, on April 3. No injuries were reported.

During the hearing, Snead's defense attorney Samuel Bogash informed the court that he planned to waive his right to a preliminary hearing.

Prosecutors say the incident unfolded in “two episodes.” Snead allegedly interacted with a group of youths who were attempting to rob the Safeway where he worked as a security guard before shooting them. Hours later, Snead allegedly encountered the group at a 7-Eleven store, where he fired at them but missed, hitting a parked vehicle.

Prosecutors said Snead had a firearm permit in Maryland but not in Washington, D.C., and that he was on probation for another case but was in Washington with a firearm, violating his probation.

Judge Herrmann said: “I don't see any self-defense, someone shot me earlier, I'm going to shoot him now,” referring to the events that unfolded.

Bogash said his client was “in fear for his life” during the incident, saying he thought the juveniles had a gun and were going to shoot him, which they ultimately did as they fled the scene.

Judge Herrmann decided to keep Snead in custody because “the nature of the offense is concerning.”

The parties are expected to meet on July 25.

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