
Sheriff's Department receives grants | News#

Bond County Sheriff Jim Leitschuh is happy to announce that the Sheriff's Department was successful in securing some grants.

One of them came from the Illinois Sheriff's Association, according to Leitschuh. He said every county received funds. Bond County received about $25,000. Leitschuh said they purchased cleaning supplies, gloves and other materials that would normally come out of their budget and could stockpile them for future savings.

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Leitschuh said the supplies can be used at the jail, courthouse and annex building. Deputy Chief Josh Hill added that the department doubles its mattresses for inmates and the department was able to purchase a washer and dryer since laundry is done at the prison.

Another grant was received from the state after the department received information about it from Senator Jason Plummer.

Both Hill and Leitschuh spoke about it. Hill said the DCEO grant has been in the works for two years and amounts to $70,000 to help with the Sheriff's Department's HVAC system.

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The ARPA money is a federal COVID fund.

The cost of the new heating and cooling system was about $120,000, so the grant covers just under 60 percent of that.

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