
Sheriff Chronister highlights continued commitment to mental health resources

Sheriff Chad Chronister remains a strong advocate for mental health awareness and support in Hillsborough County.

In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, Sheriff Chronister joined 10 Tampa Bay's Frank Wiley to discuss resources and how the HCSO team provides our employees with the tools they need to give priority to mental health.

Promote standardization: Sheriff Chronicer's commitment extends beyond Mental Health Awareness Month. He constantly advocates for the need to have open conversations about mental health, both within the Sheriff's Office and in the community at large.

Equip the team: This dedication is demonstrated through innovative programs for HCSO employees and collaborations with organizations like the Crisis Center of Tampa Bay. These initiatives give MPs the tools they need to prioritize mental health in their interactions and their own well-being.

Ending stigma: With May being Mental Health Awareness Month, Sheriff Chronister and the HCSO emphasize that the conversation doesn't stop there. We encourage our community to:

  • Reach: Check in on your loved ones and let them know you care.
  • Spread Awareness: Share resources available through the first responder hotline, 211 and 988.
  • Seek professional advice: Maintain regular communication with a primary care physician regarding mental health needs.
  • Prioritize self-care: Incorporate healthy habits like exercise and meditation into your routine.

Remember: Sheriff Chronister reiterates the crucial message: It's okay not to be okay, but it's never okay not to ask for help. Resources are readily available and open communication is vital to a healthy community.

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