
Seven arrested for attacks on Jewish targets

The Counter-Terrorism Service announced the arrest of seven suspects in connection with arson attacks against targets of Israeli interest in Athens.

The alleged perpetrators are accused of carrying out two arson attacks on June 15 and 8. The first took place at an Israeli-owned hotel on Mykonos and Aisopou streets in Psirri, downtown Athens, and the second at the Jewish synagogue, a few meters away.

In the first case, the windows of a restaurant on the ground floor of the hotel were broken and clothing soaked in a flammable liquid was thrown inside, causing a fire. In the second case, occupants poured gasoline in the entrance, starting another fire. In both cases, the fire was quickly extinguished before causing significant damage.

The hotel case involved two men and a woman who dropped a cellphone while fleeing the scene, which allowed authorities to track them down. In addition, counterterrorism officers found video footage showing the alleged perpetrators of the attack.

The attack on the Jewish synagogue, which has been targeted in the past, involved a Greek, an Iranian and an Afghan. They were identified through video footage, a stolen motorbike found 100 metres from the scene of the attack and an air pistol the perpetrators dropped as they fled.

The case also concerns an Afghan detainee sentenced to several years in prison for the murder of an Albanian national. He was arrested a year ago in Germany on a European arrest warrant issued by the Greek authorities and extradited.

One of those arrested said the Afghan prisoner had promised them a reward of 3,000 euros to carry out the arson attacks.

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