
Seriously injured teenager prepares to go on stage

A walk with friends two years ago changed his life forever. Doctors gave him only 24 hours to live. This weekend, Tre Bolden is set to graduate from high school.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Among the students graduating this weekend is a Moody senior who didn't know if he would make it until today.

Just two years ago, Antrevon “Tre” Bolden was left with a severe head injury after a night of riding with friends that changed his life.

The teenager is grateful for the chance to take the stage.

It's something he's worked hard to achieve, and he hopes his story will help prevent other students from making a similar mistake that nearly cost him his life.

“I did it, I finally did it, I did it! A lot of people said I'm not going to do it, you're not going to graduate, you're not going to live ” said Tre.

But here he is, two years after beginning a difficult healing journey.

“It was a lot, it was extremely hard only because I knew I had done this to myself,” he said.

In January 2022, when Tre, who was 17 at the time, went out for a walk with friends.

He was trying to car surf when the driver allegedly made a turn and Tre went flying.

His body was left in front of the door of his grandmother's house.

Tre's grandmother – who he calls Mom – Tricia Stallion, still doesn't know who helped him that night.

“I owe this man at least a thank you,” Stallion said. “He found my son lying there, left for dead, and he brought him to my house. He checked his vitals and began performing CPR while I called 911.”

Tre was taken to Christus Spohn Shoreline where he underwent emergency brain surgery. Part of his skull had to be removed.

“Tre is a miracle and I won't change my mind. That night the doctor told me he only had 24 hours to live,” Stallion said.

Cell phone video gave us a glimpse of a painful recovery that would take time.

“I saw the videos the other day and I’m not going to lie, I started crying,” Tre said.

He had to relearn how to walk, talk and even eat.

Motivated first by his family and his physiotherapist, he pushed forward.

He also explained that it was the negative comments on social media about the incident that fueled his fire to improve.

He read some that he had saved on his phone. “Imagine being a vegetable,” says one comment. “Play stupid games,” said another.

“Yeah, it was stupid, I had to live with it, we all make mistakes, quite a learning experience,” Tre said.

Tricia remembers her first words.

“I started saying his words, his first words were ‘lucky charm,’ those were his first words,” she said.

Tre was lucky and determined.

“I love being able to prove people wrong, that’s what I live for, I love proving people wrong,” he said.

Tre is now focused on her future and hopes her story will help prevent others from making dangerous decisions that will have lifelong consequences.

“Appreciate what you have, don’t take it for granted because you never know it could disappear like that,” he said.

His family is extremely proud of him for how far he has come since the accident.

Tre is currently working and will attend Del Mar College to study graphic design.

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