
Series of suspected burglaries leaves family in fear

LEXINGTON, Tenn. — Christie Haley says she and her family have been scared ever since they realized an intruder had broken into their home.

On Thursday, June 27, Hayley and her husband were getting ready to go to the gym. She says when they got home, her husband noticed a set of keys on their dresser that didn't belong to them.

“With all these items being moved, all these items going missing, someone definitely got into our house. The first thing we did was check the keys on the key ring to make sure they didn't match our house, which they didn't. Then we immediately called the police,” Haley said.

Hayley said the Lexington Police Department took her statement, but she hasn't heard from them since.

She said the first time they encountered the intruder was in 2022 at another home in Carroll County.

“My door was ajar and the way my room was set up, I could see right into my kitchen and I saw a man at my table going through my purse,” Haley said.

She said she had nowhere to go, but luckily she had her phone where she could call the Carroll County Sheriff's Office.

She said police were able to find footprints in the woods, but could not find any other evidence.

“I had my money taken away and, of course, all my serenity and peace,” Haley said.

“A few months later, I left and my daughter, who was 19 at the time, was going out to leave. It was about 7 p.m. and there was a man in her car,” Haley said.

Hayley says that's when she called her neighbor, who caught the intruder on his projector, but he unfortunately ran away.

Over time, items such as clothes, hair dryers and their exterior sign disappeared or were taken away and moved to another area of ​​the house.

Hayley also said that when she was about to take a shower, she noticed bite marks on her soap.

Since she and her husband are the only ones living in the house, she knew neither of them had done so.

“We need a house to move into because my husband had a heart attack a few weeks ago from all this stress. We need to get out of this house,” Haley said.

Hayley says she and her husband are now looking at real estate options for a new place to live.

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