
Ser found not guilty on all charges for stabbing his best friend | News

MERCER – Jared Ser was able to tell his side of the story Thursday about why he stabbed his best friend, and his account could have been the deciding factor in the jury's not guilty verdict on all counts of charge.

Ser, 28, of 522 McClure Ave., Sharon, had been charged with attempted homicide, aggravated assault, kidnapping, intimidation of a witness, unlawful restraint and tampering with evidence during the stabbing of Devin Evans, Sharon, September 11, 2023. Evans survived.

Defense attorney Stanley T. Booker said he believed his client's testimony made a difference.

“Sometimes jurors want to hear from the defendant every time he claims he is innocent based on self-defense,” Booker said after the verdict was read. “I think it made a huge difference. I think it was a very close affair. We thought the matter was too close not to call.

Booker said the verdict was appropriate.

“This was clearly self-defense based on the evidence,” Booker said. “He didn’t provoke anyone; he was attacked and he used proportionate force to defuse the situation.

When Ser took the stand, Booker made sure Ser knew he didn't have to testify, but Ser wanted to anyway.

Ser said he had just returned to Evans' apartment in Sharon after filling out paperwork for a new job, and Evans thought they should celebrate. So they bought a fifth of vodka and Ser said he had a few shots. He then went to bed because alcohol did not suit him.

The next thing Ser knew, he was 'awake' and Evans was standing over him. Evans was very angry and screaming because his dog had been left outside while he was away from the apartment. Evans asked Ser to leave the apartment.

Ser then went to the bathroom and was on the toilet trying to call someone for a ride when Evans kicked the door open, Ser said. He had to pull up his pants and Evans grabbed him by the hair and dragged him down the hallway.

Earlier, Evans testified that he “dribbled” Ser's head, basketball-style, onto the drywall and Ser said that was what he felt like when Evans dragged him , hit him and threw him against the walls.

Ser said he begged his friend to stop and Evans threatened to kill Ser if he didn't leave. Ser testified that Evans threw him to the floor and choked him in the kitchen.

“I was scared,” Ser said. “It felt like he was going to keep his promise.”

Booker interrupted the story to ask about a fight the two men had about a year ago, during which Ser was left with two black eyes that were almost swollen shut. After that fight, Ser claimed that Evans promised to kill him next time. Afterwards, Evans repeatedly apologized to Ser and the two were friends again.

“We promised ourselves to never let things go this far again,” Ser testified.

But during the Sept. 11, 2023, fight, Ser said Evans made death threats multiple times.

After strangling him in the kitchen, Ser said Evans dragged him to the back porch, where he began choking him again. Ser saw his pocket knife on the table, and when Evans grabbed a machete, Ser got scared, took the knife and “started swinging.”

After that, fearing for his life, Ser grabbed his laptop and left in such a hurry because he was so scared that he didn't even put on shoes.

While walking up nearby Silver Street after leaving the North Sharpsville Avenue residence, Evans encountered Jasmine Maybee, who asked him if he needed a ride. She asked him where he wanted to go and he replied: his girlfriend's house. When that didn't work, Ser testified that Maybee suggested they go to her apartment.

Ser said he told Maybee his side of the story. He testified that he never told her that he stabbed Evans four times and that he did not threaten her with a knife. Ser said Maybee could have gotten out of the car if she wanted or left her apartment at any time.

He washed in Maybee's apartment, not to get rid of evidence, but simply to clean, he said. Maybe said he was covered in blood, but Ser thought it was his own blood because he had cuts on his face and mouth.

As Maybee left the apartment, Ser testified that he told her to keep him informed.

Booker then asked Ser about the fight with Evans.

“Were you afraid for your life?” » asked Booker.

“Yes – 100%,” Ser said.

“Did you threaten Jasmine or kidnap her?” » asked Booker.

“No,” Ser said.

During cross-examination, Ser told Assistant Prosecutor Jacob Sander that Evans should not have attacked his best friend.

“You shouldn’t stab your best friend either,” Sander replied.

“He was trying to kill me,” Ser said.

Sander attempted to debunk Ser's claims regarding the machete.

During his closing argument, Sander asked the jury to try to understand how, while Evans was riding Ser, could Ser reach Evans' body and stab him in the back. Sander said that made no sense and was not possible.

Booker said during the defense closing that his client testified credibly.

A handful of Ser's relatives, present throughout the trial, shed tears after the verdict was read. Booker told them that Ser would be released from the Mercer County Jail on Thursday, after being held for about nine months.

Follow Melissa Klaric on Twitter @HeraldKlaric or email her at [email protected]

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