
Search for missing British teenager Jay Slater in Tenerife | UK News

Jay Slater, 19, was on holiday in Tenerife when he disappeared on Monday, after telling a friend he would undertake an 11-hour walk home.

By Claire Gilbody Dickerson, journalist

Tuesday June 18, 2024 9:14 p.m., United Kingdom

The search is underway for a British teenager who has been missing in Tenerife since Monday.

Jay Slater, 19, from Lancashire, was on holiday on the Spanish island.

He had told a friend, Lucy, that he planned to walk back to his accommodation after a night out after missing a bus – a journey expected to take around 11 hours on foot.

During the call at around 8.15am on Monday, Mr Slater also said he was lost, needed water and had only 1% phone battery, Lucy told the Manchester Evening News.

His phone then went dead, his last location being Teno Rural Park, a mountainous area popular with hikers.

Lucy said one of the people Mr Slater met at the party drove him back to their apartment in a rental car and the teenager did not realize how far away he was.

“He ended up in the middle of nowhere. Jay obviously thought he could get home from there,” she said.

“But in the morning he went for a walk, using his maps on his phone and found himself in the middle of the mountains with nothing around.”

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Mr Slater was last seen wearing a white T-shirt with shorts and trainers. He also allegedly carried a black bag.

His mother, Debbie, flew to Tenerife on Tuesday morning.

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“I'm obviously worried, which is why I flew here with my eldest son to do whatever we can to help,” she told the Daily Mail.

She added: “It seems like the police here are taking this very seriously and are doing the best they can.”

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A spokeswoman for Tenerife's Civil Guard said they were doing “everything possible” to find Mr Slater, including deploying a specialist mountain rescue team and a police helicopter “to focusing on the area around the village of Masca”.

Other emergency services, including firefighters, were also involved in the search.

The Foreign Office said: “We are supporting the family of a British man missing in Spain and are in contact with local authorities.”

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