
Search for Joshua Dean Griffin continues in Chelan County

The Chelan County Sheriff's Office is attempting to locate Joshua Dean Griffin, a 37-year-old transient man.

Griffin has a history of sudden and prolonged disappearances, according to a sheriff's office bulletin. He was living in Colorado when authorities reported him missing in March 2023.

A few months later, Griffin was in Wenatchee, where he had managed to find temporary work and shelter. But last August he disappeared again without explanation.

Last April, a disconcerting discovery was made on a hiking trail near Leavenworth. On the trail was an unattended backpack presumably belonging to Griffin; it contained clothing, cash and an identification card with Griffin's name and photo on it.

(Deputies suspect he may have misplaced his backpack while under the influence. Griffin reportedly has a history of chemical dependency.)

A search of the immediate area “revealed no evidence of [Griffin’s] where he is.” It is important to note, however, that Griffin is not presumed dead.

“The main purpose of this newsletter is to disseminate information,” said Chelan County Chief Ryan Moody. “In case [Griffin] decided to go do his own thing for a while.”

“We're even hoping to pass the information on to the West Side. It wouldn't be impossible for him to be living on the streets of Seattle.”

Griffin, we are told, travels primarily on foot and often covers long distances.

The Washington Department of Licensing lists Griffin as 5'7″ and 155 pounds. Anyone with information on Griffin's whereabouts is encouraged to contact Detective Paul Nelson at [email protected]. us or at 509-667-6843.

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