
Sean Kingston, Florida fraud case, sheriff wants him to pay for extradition


Sean Kingston

The sheriff wants him to pay…

Reimburse extradition costs

Sean Kingston was shipped from California to Florida as part of his million-dollar fraud case, and now the Sunshine State Sheriff's Office wants to send the singer a bill for shipping costs.

According to new legal documents obtained by TMZ, the Broward County Sheriff's Office is asking the court that Sean reimburse Broward County taxpayers for the cost of his extradition.

BCSO says taxpayers paid $5,268.53 for Sean's extradition from Cali…with transportation costs going toward commercial airline tickets, hotels, car rental and travel expenses U.S. Marshalls and Broward County sheriff's deputies tasked with bringing Sean back to Florida.

Sean's lawyer Robert Rosenblatt tells TMZ… Sean flew back to Florida Sunday night after a robbery — and his legal team is focused at this point on getting Sean out on bail, so the issue of restitution is a bit on the back burner for them, at least for the moment. .

As we reported…Sean is faces 10 charges linked to the raid carried out by sheriff's deputies last week at his home in Florida.

Sean is accused of leading a organized diagram to defraud several companies.

Remember… authorities say Sean and his mother, Janice Turnerscammed an exotic car dealership, a jeweler, and several other businesses for a price well into the 6-figure range.

Sean also faces a grand theft charge for an $86,000 custom bed…as well as charges related to writing a bad check and bank fraud.

Now the sheriff's office wants to rack up some expenses…a judge hasn't approved yet.

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