
Sean 'Diddy' Combs Sex Trafficking Investigation Could Be Same Size As Jeffrey Epstein's: Expert: News: Music Times

NYPD veteran Derrick Parker spoke to The Sun about the scope of Sean “Diddy” Combs' sex trafficking investigation.

“It definitely borders on the Jeffrey Epstein case because it has all the elements. You have sex trafficking. You have guns. You have drugs, and you have high-profile celebrities, and maybe even politicians or people of influence,” Parker revealed to the outlet.

Parker also noted that while the investigation is in its early stages, it is possible that other high-profile celebrities could be implicated in the scandal, just as Jeffrey Epstein's explosive case did .

“Someone of Diddy's profile would inevitably cross paths with some big names. This could free up a number of names from people who probably didn't want to or had no idea. [embroiled],” he added.

Additionally, Parker shared his thoughts on why the bicoastal raid on Diddy's mansions in Miami and Los Angeles was at this level of intensity.

“The reason Homeland Security conducted the raids is because the allegations against Diddy included sex trafficking across the United States, across state lines and abroad. This elevates the crime at the most serious level,” he explained. “There was also a concern that weapons were on the properties. We're not just talking about a Glock or two, I'm talking about serious firearms, assault rifles, etc.”

Besides guns, drugs were also involved, Parker pointed out.

“Law enforcement had to be prepared for any eventuality, so they responded quickly and hard to be as effective and safe as possible.

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He said the raid on Diddy was a “heavy-handed approach,” which he claims he has “never seen before.”

As of this writing, there is radio silence on the outcome of the Homeland Security raid on Diddy's home in March 2024.

Speaking to the New York Post, Parker also claimed that “someone was behind” Diddy's fall, believing that law enforcement had been fed some “sensitive information.”

“He has a very questionable past that he was able to control with his power for a very long time… But it seems to me that someone is behind it – someone who really wants to destroy his brand and bring him down” , Parker said. theorized. “Someone is cooperating, and it’s probably someone close to me.”

Before retiring from the New York Police Department, Parker was assigned to two of the cases involving Diddy in the 1990s and claimed he knew the rapper quite well.

READ MORE: Sean 'Diddy' Combs' New Alleged Victim Tried To End Her Life After Assault; Trauma led to marriage breakdown: report

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