
'Sasquatch and the Missing Man' explores more than just Bigfoot

It would take more than one documentary to make a Bigfoot skeptic see the light.

“Sasquatch and the Missing Man” raises many more questions than answers. The opponents will emerge unchanged. Those who believe the big hairy guy stalks the woods will nod their heads at every clue.

What “Sasquatch” does best is examine souls who swear they had an encounter with the mythical creature and how it changed their emotional compass. And, by extension, the team that puts so much effort into finding the truth behind the myth.

The film begins with the sprawling tale of a man who encountered a Sasquatch-like creature in the woods. The details of the man are impressive. So does his feeling of unease about sharing the story.

Fear? Uncertainty? What happened to him left its mark.

The same goes for a woman who claims the creature is lurking beyond her property lines.

Both stories offer personal reflections on not only what they saw, but also the impact it had on their lives. It's not easy to believe something that most people consider a sideshow, a concept beyond the realm of rational thought.

The wrinkle of the documentary? The filmmakers discover signs of a missing person, adding an extra layer to the proceedings. Is this a happy creative coincidence or something else?

The film takes the turn of reality TV by simultaneously sharing these stories and revealing the behind-the-scenes debates. We hear the small investigative team, led by Tony Merkel, host/producer of “The Confessionals” podcast, examine every clue (or non-clue) that crosses their path.

How does the title “Missing Man” intersect with their documentary in progress?

To paraphrase “The X-Files,” “They Want to Believe.” So does the film's target audience, even if they want a tighter presentation. Some conversations could have been left out without spoiling the story.

However, not everyone is on Team Sasquatch.

“Most of this is bullshit, but it was real,” says producer Joseph Granda, part of the on-screen crew, after a strange noise pierces the vehicle of the team, which looks like a camper van.

It's easy to overlook what the team discovers throughout the documentary. It's the woods! Animals do all sorts of things at night, and few do them silently.

And there's the lingering question that haunts every Bigfoot search: Why can't we get video proof of the big guy (or girl) given the countless sightings and testimonies?

This misses the point. Yes, some will point to “Sasquatch and the Missing Man” as further proof that Bigfoot walks among us. It's the quieter dramas lurking on the fringes that will keep everyone engaged.

Hit or miss: “Sasquatch and the Missing Man” could use some editing, but it's a compelling look at the legend's impact on its true believers.

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