
Santa Fe officer arrested in new body camera video

New body camera video shows the moments a Santa Fe police officer was arrested after a domestic dispute. On April 9, the Rio Rancho Police Department responded to a disturbance at a Northeast home. The incident was seen in a lapel video obtained by KOAT. “He turns around and then he grabs my wrist,” Erica Martinez said. “I drag myself on the ground to make him stop, because I’m afraid he’ll hit me next.” Your Neighborhood: Local News from KOAT Action 7 News The situation involved Martinez. In the footage, she described the intense moments to police. She said it also happened while her young daughter was inside the house. “I ran outside because I'm not going to be there. And, sure enough, he grabbed my daughter, trying to make it look like he was the father of the family. That year,” she said. The father is Christopher Lamoreux. He was seen detained by police in a bedroom inside the house. According to the body camera video, he was a few steps away from Martinez, who was outside. “Basically just an argument took place between me and the girlfriend accused me of cheating on her, which is not the case,” Lamoreux said. He was seen in full uniform as a senior Santa Fe police officer. In the lapel video, Lamoreux claimed he was pinned down and attacked by his girlfriend. He also mentioned that he was trying to separate himself from the situation. “I kind of managed to get through it,” he said. “I almost nudged him, 'Hey, move out of the way.' During this time, she scratched my face.” Police then questioned Lamoreux about the marks found on Martinez's body. “A few weeks ago she got drunk with one of her friends and she doesn't remember how she got them. She claimed she must have fallen on the way home, but I mean, we can say they're old bruises,” he said. “They're marked. But other than that, no, I haven't laid my hands on her at all.” Rio Rancho police officers quickly reconvened outside. They noted how agitated Lamoreux was, as well as the new scratches visible on Martinez's wrists. All of this was observed through body camera video. Then, a few minutes later, an arrest. Police identified Lamoreux as the primary aggressor and charged him with battery against a family member. However, this is not the first time the couple has been in trouble with the law. In April 2023, the Rio Rancho Police Department responded to the same home. It was also for a domestic dispute. According to another lapel video obtained by KOAT, Lamoreux was seen shaken inside the same Rio Rancho home. He was holding their baby girl at the time, after a verbal and physical argument with Martinez. This even led to a broken window after a cinder block was thrown. “Did you really think the best course of action was to throw a brick through the sliding door with a baby inside? Did you think about the baby? Did you think about the consequences of that?” one officer said. Follow us on social media: Facebook | X/Twitter | Instagram | YouTube Martinez was quickly questioned by the police in a patrol car. was arrested and charged with child abuse However, the charge was eventually dropped. He hit me in the face. He grabbed me by my shirt, threw me, so I hit him back,” Martinez told police. “I don't trust him with my baby because it's not the first time “As of Tuesday, Lamoreux was still with the Santa Fe Police Department on administrative duties. Her next court appearance is June 26. As for Martinez, she quit her job at CYFD in November Action 7 News On The Go: download our app for free.

New body camera video shows the moments a Santa Fe police officer was arrested after a domestic dispute.

On April 9, the Rio Rancho Police Department responded to a disturbance at a Northeast home. The incident was seen in a lapel video obtained by KOAT.

“He turns around and then he grabs my wrist,” Erica Martinez said. “I drag myself on the ground to make him stop, because I’m afraid he’ll hit me next.”

Your neighbourhood : Local news from KOAT Action 7 News

The situation involved Martinez. In the footage, she described the intense moments to police. She said it also happened while her young daughter was inside the house.

“I ran outside because I wouldn't be there. And sure enough, he grabbed my daughter, trying to make it look like he was father of the year,” she said.

The father is Christophe Lamoreux. He was seen detained by police in a bedroom of the house.

According to body camera video, he was a few steps away from Martinez, who was outside.

“Basically it was just an argument that happened between me and my girlfriend. [She] accused me of possibly cheating on her, which is not the case,” Lamoreux said.

He was seen in full uniform as a senior Santa Fe police officer.

In the reverse video, Lamoreux claims he was blocked and attacked by his girlfriend. He also mentioned that he was trying to distance himself from the situation.

“I kind of forced my way through,” he said. “I almost nudged him, 'Hey, move out of the way.' During this time, she scratched my face.”

Police then questioned Lamoreux about marks found on Martinez's body.

“A few weeks ago, she got drunk with one of her friends and she doesn't remember how she got those drinks. She said she must have fallen on the way home. But, I I mean, you could say they're old bruises,” he said. “They're marked. But other than that, no, I haven't laid my hands on her at all.”

Rio Rancho police officers quickly reconvened outside. They noted how agitated Lamoreux was, as well as the new scratches visible on Martinez's wrists. All of this was observed through body camera video.

Then, a few minutes later, an arrest. Police identified Lamoreux as the main aggressor and charged him with battery against a family member.

However, this is not the first time the couple has been in trouble with the law.

In April 2023, Rio Rancho police went to the same home. It was also for a domestic dispute.

According to another setback video obtained by KOAT, Lamoreux was seen shaken inside the same Rio Rancho home. He was holding their baby daughter at the time, after a verbal and physical argument with Martinez.

It even led to a broken window after a cinder block was thrown.

“Did you really think the best solution was to throw a brick through the sliding door with a baby inside? Did you think about [your] baby? Have you thought about the consequences of this?,” an officer said.

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Martinez was quickly questioned by police in a patrol car. The Department of Children, Youth and Families employee was later arrested and charged with child abuse.

However, the charge was eventually dropped.

“He has anger issues. He punched me in the face. He grabbed me by my shirt, threw me, so I hit him back,” Martinez told police. “I don’t trust him with my baby because it’s not the first time he’s touched me.”

As of Tuesday, Lamoreux was still at the Santa Fe Police Department on administrative duties.

His next court appearance will be June 26.

As for Martinez, she left her job at CYFD in November.

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