
Sacramento firefighters extinguish boat fire on American River

Sacramento firefighters extinguish boat fire on river near Discovery Park

HEARING AT THE ASSEMBLY. WE WILL NOW MOVE ON TO SOME LATEST NEWS. TEAMS FIGHT A BOAT FIRE ON THE AMERICAN RIVER IN SACRAMENTO, JUST NEAR DISCOVERY PARK. This is where we find the KCRA 3. MÉLANIE WINGO. Mélanie, you have just arrived. WHAT CAN YOU TELL US? Well, and I should say that fire is now out. LOOK BEHIND ME. YOU CAN SEE THE BARGAIN THAT WAS ON FIRE. The firefighters handled this well, but it took a bit of creative thinking. I'm going to slip in here now. CAPTAIN. JUSTIN. SYLVIA WITH THE FIRE OF SACRAMENTO. And you said a moment ago that this fire was a little difficult to fight. DESCRIBE WHY THIS WAS. SO. There were a lot of moving parts in there. INITIALLY. THIS WAS DESCRIBED AS A WATER RESCUE WITH PEOPLE ON BOARD THIS POWERCRAFT. WE FOUND OUT THAT NO ONE WAS OUT OF IT, BUT IT WAS NOT SECURED TO THE DOCK. So things were moving. Our teams had to bring our rescue boat, push it to shore and secure it against the dock so that we could have this firefight. Every time you start running water, there's something in the water. IT WILL TEND TO MOVE ON YOU. So we were able to secure it and bring it back to the dock, where we could start running the water, and then we had our rescue boat go up and down the Sacramento River waterway to make sure no one got hurt. was in the water splashing. AROUND OR PERSON IN DISTRESS. WE HAVE NOT FOUND ANY VICTIMS YET. Um, but we don't know if there was anyone on that boat. AND DESCRIBE HOW YOU RECEIVED THE CALL ON THIS ONE. Did anyone call 911, or did anyone see the smoke or something? THIS HAPPENED AS SOMEONE PASSING BY NOTICED A BOAT THAT WAS ON FIRE. BUT THEY DID IT. HOWEVER, DESCRIBE TO OUR DISPATCH CENTER THAT THERE WERE PEOPLE ON THIS. THAT'S WHY TWO RESCUE BOATS WERE LAUNCHED, ONE FROM THE WEST SACRAMENTO FIRE AND ONE FROM OUR AGENCY TO START SEARCHING FOR PEOPLE IN THE WATER AND TALK ABOUT THE CHALLENGES. Any time there is a boat involved, I bet there is some concern that there might be fuel involved as well. ON A POWERWATER LIKE THIS. ABSOLUTELY. USUALLY THESE ARE MADE OF FIBERGLASS OR WOOD, HIGHLY FLAMMABLE. Um, they go up very quickly and then you have to make sure there is no danger. IT'S IN THE WATER AT THIS POINT. ALL FUEL TANKS HAVE BEEN SECURED. THERE'S NO SHINY, THERE'S NO OIL, THERE'S NOTHING IN THE WATER THAT WE'RE SEEING RIGHT NOW. So there are no dangerous conditions in the water. It was just a matter of fighting those flames and securing that boat. AND SO WHAT IS THE PROCESS FROM HERE? A few minutes ago we saw firefighters spraying this boat with water again. BUT, YOU KNOW, IS IT A LOT? Um, are you worried about the hot spots where we would be in a normal house fire? ABSOLUTELY. RILEY. WE ALWAYS NEED TO CHECK THE EXTENSION AND TAKE CARE OF THESE HOT SPOTS. Um, crews are going to continue to monitor this for the next few minutes to make sure it's completely turned off. AND THEN THE NEXT STEPS IS TO NOTIFY THE COAST GUARD AND THEN THE COAST GUARD WILL PROBABLY USE THE CF NUMBERS ON THE SIDE, WHICH IS BASICALLY LIKE A LICENSE PLATE FOR THE BOAT, SEE WHO OWNS IT AND TRY TO GET IN IN CONTACT WITH THEM To see if they can secure this boat and get it out of the water, or, or if they will if the Coast Guard has to come out and get it out of the water, okay. THANK YOU VERY MUCH, JUSTIN. SYLVIA WITH THE FIRE OF SACRAMENTO. And I should mention that all of this is happening right here at the boat launch at Discovery Park. So if you're familiar with the area, you know, this location on the river is busy right now with fire equipment, and we will continue to monitor developments and report on progress on how this is all coming together. return. YOURS IN THE STUDIO. Very good, Mélanie, thank you very much. WE WILL CONTINUE TO FOLLOW THE BREAK STORY THROUGHOUT THE

Sacramento firefighters extinguish boat fire on river near Discovery Park

Firefighters extinguished a boat fire early Thursday morning near Discovery Park, the Sacramento Fire Department said. Crews were dispatched around 3:43 a.m. to the area after receiving reports of several people on a burning boat floating in the American River, Sac Fire said. A rescue operation was launched. First responders searched the area and found no one on the boat or in nearby waters. Firefighters then focused on battling the flames, which proved difficult because the boat was not secured, firefighters said. Dousing with water hoses caused the boat to move, so a rescue boat was used to bring it closer to the docks so it could be secured. The flames were then extinguished. Officials said there are no known environmental impacts at this time. No injuries were reported either. The U.S. Coast Guard will be called to find the boat's owner and will tow the boat if it is not found, Sac Fire said. This story was organized by the KCRA Alert Desk in Hearst. See more coverage of California's top stories here | Download our app.

Firefighters put out a boat fire early Thursday morning near Discovery Park, the Sacramento Fire Department said.

Crews were dispatched to the scene around 3:43 a.m. after receiving reports of several people on a burning boat floating in the American River, Sac Fire said. A rescue operation was launched. First responders searched the area and found no one on the boat or in nearby waters.

Firefighters then focused on battling the flames, which proved difficult because the boat was not secured, firefighters said. Dousing with water hoses caused the boat to move, so a rescue boat was used to bring it closer to the docks so it could be secured. The flames were then extinguished.

Officials said there are no known environmental impacts at this time. No injuries were reported either.

The U.S. Coast Guard will be called to find the boat's owner and will tow the boat if it is not found, Sac Fire said.

This content is imported from Twitter. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their website.

This story was organized by the KCRA Alert Desk in Hearst.

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