
Russia's actions will dictate what weapons Seoul could provide to Ukraine, security adviser says

National Security Bureau Director Chang Ho-jin walks to the lectern in the Presidential Office briefing room to deliver a statement on the recent pact signed by North Korea and Russia on June 20, 2024.

Seoul said on Sunday that a transfer of high-precision weapons from Russia to North Korea would mean there would be “no more red line” for Seoul on aid to Ukraine, and warned that future actions by Moscow could dictate a change in policy. composition of Seoul's military support for Ukraine.

The statement, coming from national security adviser Chang Ho-jin, essentially reiterates the South Korean government's warning that if Russia, which agreed to strengthen military cooperation with North Korea at a recent summit between the leaders of the two countries, provides Pyongyang with advanced weapons, Seoul could also provide Ukraine with various weapons, including lethal ones, without restrictions.

During an appearance on KBS's “Sunday Diagnosis” that morning, Chang stressed that South Korea's response “depends on what Russia does.” He added that although the South Korean government plans to provide various weapons to Ukraine, including lethal and non-lethal weapons, it is “premature to specify what could be given because it could weaken our influence over Russia “.

On Thursday, the South Korean government condemned the signing of a treaty cementing a “comprehensive strategic partnership” between North Korea and Russia, in which the two sides agreed to significantly increase military cooperation, including sending military assistance in the event of an event. one of the camps is “put into a state of war by an armed invasion”. The government also announced on the same day its intention to reconsider the provision of military support to Ukraine. In response, Russian President Vladimir Putin immediately warned that sending lethal weapons to Ukraine would be a “grave mistake,” hinting at the possibility of supplying North Korea with high-precision weapons.

Chang explained in “Sunday Diagnosis” that while Putin, at a press conference in Hanoi, Vietnam, had initially warned Seoul against supplying deadly weapons to kyiv, the Russian president later assured Korea of the South that the treaty was not something he had signed. to worry about. Chang added that he thought Putin was “trying to explain to us the contents of the treaty.”

Furthermore, Chang stressed that Russia's recent actions “approach a red line,” adding: “If Russia wants to restore and develop relations between South Korea and Russia after the war in Ukraine, she must think carefully. »

Chang also said: “The issue of military cooperation between Russia and North Korea has already become an international issue, extending beyond the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia to also include Europe. » He predicted that the North Korea-Russia issue would be discussed at the next NATO summit in the United States next month.

Regarding China's position on the rapprochement between North Korea and Russia, Chang simply said: “It would be better to let China make its own decisions and choose its own path rather than putting pressure on the country.” [to choose a certain path]», without further details.

Regarding recent reports that Japan had secret contacts with North Korea in Mongolia, he said: “We have heard Japan's explanation” and predicted that “a summit between Japan and the North Korea would be difficult, given their differences on the issue of kidnappings.

By Jang Na-rye, journalist

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