
Russia to cooperate with the Taliban in the fight against terrorism, organized crime and drug trafficking

Maria Zakharova, spokesperson for the Russian Foreign Ministry, announced that Moscow was in contact with the Taliban to combat drug trafficking, terrorism and organized crime.

Zakharova said it was in Russia's interests to respond pragmatically and align with the country's national interests.

Speaking to the TASS news agency on the sidelines of the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, Zakharova said: “The presence of a delegation from the 'Taliban movement' at this forum is not accidental, because there are prospects strengthening beneficial trade relationships.

Zakharova mentioned that there are important regional projects that include Afghanistan. Regarding the process of removing the Taliban from Russia's list of terrorist organizations, she said: “Experts from various departments are working on it.”

The 27th St. Petersburg Economic Forum was held June 5-8, with Abdul Manan Omari, the Taliban's Minister of Labor and Social Affairs, leading a delegation to the forum.

On Tuesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin said establishing relations with the Taliban was a necessity, emphasizing that the Taliban controls Afghanistan and its territories. In a meeting with journalists in Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan, he said: “We take into account the views of each of our partners and friends, and we will coordinate on this issue accordingly.”

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