
Roanoke Sheriff's Department unveils anti-fentanyl program

ROANOKE, Virginia (WFXR) Through the “It Only Takes One” collaborative project, led by First Lady Suzanne Youngkin, the City of Roanoke launched its own fight against fentanyl with the “Be Bright, Choose Right” campaign.

“Be Bright, Choose Right” is an initiative led by the Roanoke Sheriff’s Department and aims to get the message directly to the city’s youth. The campaign leverages social media, including a short animated video posted on Roanoke Valley Television's YouTube channel to educate elementary-aged children about what to do if they encounter suspicious material.

In addition to the social media aspect, the sheriff's office has also created posters and signs that will be placed in high-traffic areas such as schools and libraries.

“If you teach kids the right things to do, their reaction is better and it could potentially save a life,” Roanoke City Sheriff Antonio Hash said.

Representatives from the “It Only Takes One” campaign were in Roanoke earlier this week to announce the start of the second phase of the program. During the announcement, First Lady Youngkin noted that the number of fentanyl overdoses in Virginia was declining between 2022 and 2023, marking the first decrease in the state in three years. However, she says Roanoke remains an area of ​​concern compared to other metropolitan areas in the Commonwealth.

“The disturbing news is that Roanoke remains a community facing a higher percentage of overdose deaths than is acceptable to us,” Youngkin said. “We need to continue to focus our attention on that. »

Although fentanyl is the primary focus of the “Be Bright, Choose Right” initiative, the Sheriff's Department also said it is committed to taking a community-wide approach to protecting the city's youth of all drugs.

The campaign is aimed at the city's youth, but the sheriff's department has also recognized seniors as an at-risk community. The sheriff advises all seniors to make sure any medications they take come from reliable sources.

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