
Richard Dreyfuss criticized for his homophobic and sexist comments

Richard Dreyfuss was criticized for allegedly making homophobic and sexist remarks at an event Jaws screening at Cabot, Massachusetts.

On May 25, the Cabot Theater in Beverly hosted a screening of the 1975 film, as well as a question and answer session with Dreyfuss, who was featured in the film.

However, attendees claimed on social media that the Oscar winner shared “bigoted” thoughts about trans women and youth in the room, leading many audience members to leave before the film even began.

According to one Cabot attendee, Dreyfuss called Barbra Streisand a “genius” but said he “didn't listen to her because she's a woman and women shouldn't have that power.” The same participant also claimed that Dreyfuss said, “You shouldn't listen to a 10-year-old who says he wants to be a boy instead of a girl.” »

Other Cabot attendees took to the theater's Facebook page to explain the reason for their walkout. “We left his interview tonight along with hundreds of others because of his racist, homophobic and misogynistic speech,” claimed one social media user, while another added: “Richard Dreyfuss is a disgrace to the society I left tonight because of its narrow and bigoted view of women and choice.

PinkNews has contacted a representative for Richard Dreyfuss for comment on this matter.

The Cabot Theater said in a statement to The Hollywood Reporter: “The views expressed by Mr. Dreyfuss do not reflect the values ​​of inclusiveness and respect that we hold as an organization. We deeply regret the distress this has caused many of our customers.

“We regret that an event that was meant to be a conversation to celebrate an iconic film has become a platform for political opinions. We take full responsibility for the oversight in not anticipating the direction of the conversation and the discomfort it caused many customers.

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