
RFP 24-03-498 IndyGo Near Miss Video Analysis Project (SS4A)

Indianapolis Public Transportation Company (IPTC)

RFP 24-03-498 IndyGo Near Miss Video Analysis Project (SS4A)

Summary: Indianapolis Public Transportation Corp. dba IndyGo, its Request for Proposal (RFP) IndyGo seeks near-miss, 24-hour video monitoring and data analysis, and[1]board investigation that included safety-related questions asked of passengers on corresponding routes in eight corridors in Indianapolis (Marion County), as well as other busy bus stops outside the corridors. The primary goal of this analysis is to capture vehicle-pedestrian interactions, particularly when pedestrians are bus riders heading toward or away from a bus stop. Other interactions that may be useful include vehicle, pedestrian, and cyclist travel routes through a given area. IndyGo has partnered with Bonfire Interactive to create a new procurement portal that will allow you to receive notifications of business opportunities and digitally submit bids and proposals to IndyGo.

To register and consult this call for tenders online at:

Issuance of the request for proposals: 06/20/2024 by EOD.

Pre-proposal meeting: 06/26/2024 at 10:00 a.m. EST (virtual TEAMS only).

Written Questions Due: 1/7/2024 by 3:00 p.m. EST.

Answers provided and published: 7/8/2024.

Proposal deadline: 07/15/2024 before 3:00 p.m.

Interviews with suppliers (to be determined) 07/22/2024 to be determined

Award notice: 08/21/2024.

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