
Revealed: How the Chinese mafia in Spain 'smuggled HUNDREDS of people and drugs to Britain via Gibraltar'

A CHINESE mafia is suspected of making a million-euro profit by trafficking hundreds of their compatriots to Spain, then sending them to Britain via Gibraltar using false documents.

According to the Policia Nacional, which made 14 arrests in the case, the arrivals were allegedly hidden in appalling conditions in tiny spaces once they arrived in La Linea de la Concepcion, a region of Spain located next to the British territory of overseas of Gibraltar. .

The investigation began when authorities detected a steady flow of Chinese arrivals in La Linea, according to a report by the Efe news agency.

The mafia allegedly set up an infrastructure to hide Chinese nationals for weeks, until they could enter Gibraltar with false documents.

Read more: A sexual exploitation gang enjoyed a luxurious lifestyle with high-end homes and cars while 10 victims were treated like slaves on Spain's Costa Blanca.

The Policia Nacional made 14 arrests in this case.

The migrants were confined to tiny rooms and were not allowed to move around the rest of the properties where they were held.

Spanish authorities believe the gang used fake passports, visas and stamps to get migrants into Gibraltar, with contacts in Turkey producing the documents.

They could then travel to the UK using the same false papers.

Additionally, the organization allegedly used genuine travel documents of Chinese nationals, in cases where the original person had a physical similarity to the prospective migrant.

The gang is also suspected of drug trafficking, increasing its profits through the distribution and sale of synthetic narcotics like ketamine and MDMA.

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