
Republicans seek information on alleged misconduct at Haskell Indian Nations University

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Haskell Indian Nations University in Lawrence, Kansas. Photo: Auntie G

Republicans seek information on alleged misconduct at Haskell Indian Nations University

Tuesday July 2, 2024


Republican lawmakers in Congress are investigating the Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) following widespread allegations of misconduct at Haskell Indian Nations University (HINU) in Kansas. In a July 2 letter, the leaders of the House Education and Workforce Committee and the House Natural Resources Committee say they have repeatedly asked the BIA for more information about allegations of harassment, bullying, nepotism, theft and sexual assault at Haskell. They are focusing on a document, known as the Administrative Investigation Board (AIB) report, which reviewed complaints from students and former employees of the institution. “The AIB report, now publicly available but heavily redacted, describes serious allegations and findings of misconduct at HINU that have devastated the well-being of students and faculty at the university,” the four Republican lawmakers wrote in the letter to BIE Director Tony Dearman. “It is troubling that several cases of sexual assault have allegedly been overlooked.” In the letter, the lawmakers asked Dearman to provide “unredacted” versions of the BIA report, which is dated Nov. 7, 2022. The publicly available version, a copy of which was posted on, is 80 pages long and is dated Jan. 13, 2023. Republicans also want an explanation of any changes made to the report, as well as “unredacted” copies of exhibits. The publicly available version lists 103 exhibits, consisting of student complaints, testimony transcripts, letters, emails and other documents. “To assist the committees in our investigation, please provide the following records, documents, communications or information, in electronic format, as soon as possible, but no later than July 10, 2024,” the letter said, giving the BIA until next week to comply. The AIB report, whose full title is Allegations of harassment, bullying, nepotism, theft, sexual assault, workplace harassment/bullying/intimidation, fraud, waste and abuse, and alcohol consumption on the campus of Haskell Indian Nations University, located in Lawrence, Kansashas generated considerable interest. A watchdog group known as Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility filed a lawsuit against the BIE in federal court after requesting access to the report through the federal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The Bureau of Indian Affairs has posted a redacted copy of the BIE report, along with other documents related to the report, in its FOIA electronic reading room. The documents, some hundreds of pages long, are in a section titled “Frequently Requested FOIA Documents.” The July 2 letter to the BIE was signed by Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-North Carolina), chairwoman of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, and Rep. Bruce Westerman (R-Arkansas), chairman of the House Committee on Natural Resources. She was joined by Rep. Burgess Owens, chairman of the House Subcommittee on Higher Education and Workforce Development, and Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.), chairman of the House Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations. The House Committee on Education and the Workforce has jurisdiction over higher education programs, such as those at Haskell. The committee recently introduced a bipartisan bill to investigate the Indian residential school era. The House Committee on Natural Resources has jurisdiction over Indian issues. However, the House Subcommittee on Indian and Insular Affairs did not join the letter regarding Haskell.

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