
Regina high school teacher on trial for alleged sex offenses involving 15-year-old girl

WARNING: This story contains disturbing details.

The trial of a Regina teacher accused of sexual offenses involving a 15-year-old student began Monday in the Court of King's Bench in Regina.

Jeffrey Dumba has pleaded not guilty to five charges, including inviting a minor to touch himself sexually, distributing sexually explicit material to a minor and possessing child pornography.

The charges relate to Dumba's alleged interactions with the teenager between June 23, 2021 and September 2, 2021.

Regina police arrested Dumba on September 3, 2021. He was 49 years old at the time.

The identity of the girl is subject to a publication ban.

A friend who contacted the police testifies

A former student who approached the high school resource officer with concern testified Monday morning.

The student said the girl told her she was in a relationship with Dumba over the summer.

The girl then showed him naked photos of a man she said was Dumba. The student testified that she recognized the tattoos on Dumba's legs in the photos, but thought his face was covered.

The 15-year-old told the student she had exchanged nude photos with the teacher and told him to “behave normally” around Dumba in the hallways.

After hearing the story and seeing the photos, the student took this information to the school resource officer the next day.

“I had this feeling inside that it wasn’t right,” the student told the court.

The student said the friendship between her and the girl ended “the day I reported Mr. Dumba.”

Under cross-examination by Dumba's lawyer, Darren Kraushaar, the student told the court that the 15-year-old told her that she had added Dumba on Snapchat.

She said Dumba didn't know it was her at first.

The student said the girl told him they flirted and texted, and told him “he saw every inch of me” in photos.

The student said that when Dumba discovered he was communicating with a 15-year-old girl, he told her they needed to end the messaging.

The student said the girl bragged about their relationship and told him she planned to have sex with Dumba and would go to his house.

During re-examination, Crown prosecutor Loren Klein asked the witness if Dumba was aware of her age, but not who she was before revealing her identity.

The witness told the court the girl told him Dumba said he wanted to continue the relationship because “the damage was done”. She reiterated that the young girl had told her that there was a plan to meet Dumba.

Monday afternoon, Const. Karlene Phillips testified.

After the school resource officer contacted various police units, Phillips was the first officer to speak with the 15-year-old girl. She said the girl initially told her the allegations were “rumors” but told her shortly after that they were “all true.”

Phillips testified that the girl agreed to give her cellphone to police, where they found photos of a man “with his penis out.”

During the investigation, Phillips said, police found photos of a vagina with a duvet visible in the photo. Phillips said police obtained a quilt matching the same description from the girl's family.

Sgt. Casey Ward, deputy chief of the Regina Police Service and supervisor of the investigation, said Monday afternoon that he went to the girl's home the day the investigation began. He told the court the girl's mother asked: “Is this about Dumba?”

He said she later said her daughter “talked to her too much.”

Ward interviewed Dumba after his arrest and said Dumba was wearing shorts at the time. Ward said a photo of a man with his penis exposed had a tattoo on his leg that matched Dumba's.

The trial continues Tuesday.

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