
Refreshingly Positive Father Thanks Teenagers for How They Treated His Son at Trampoline Park

It's all too common to hear parents talk about how difficult it is to raising teenagers these days and that they are disrespectful and entitled. That's why a viral video from Josh, 33, known on TikTok as Lebarbubarde, it's so refreshing. Recently, Josh shared a video about how two random teenagers helped his 7-year-old son have a good time at a restaurant. Billing, Montana, trampoline park. He created the video in hopes of attracting the attention of teenagers and thanking them for spending time with his son.

It all started when Josh took 5 children (3 of his own and 2 of a friend) at the Get Air trampoline park. Her 7-year-old son broke away from the group and jumped alone when two older teenagers started jumping with him.

“I noticed the boys were playing with him probably a few minutes after he started,” Josh told people. “They were with him…for probably 45 minutes,” Josh said. “And every time they jumped with him, they made sure to catch him if he was going to fall. They were right on top.”

Josh's boy was having a great time with the teens and the cool thing was that they were having fun with him too. “They had the best moment. They were laughing the whole time and helping him bounce higher. At one point I think they were trying to help him turn around. It was amazing,” says Josh in the video.

You both were the real MVPs yesterday. You rock. #getairtrampolinepark #billingsmt

TheBeardedBard also talked about how important it is for older kids to set a good example for younger kids and that teens deserve more credit than they get these days. “Those are the kind of people we need to elevate more of,” Josh said. “I don't know why people say teenagers are disrespectful. I think a lot of the time they're misunderstood. But they can definitely be some of the coolest people on the planet.”

The video did its job, attracting the attention of one of the teenagers who was playing with his son and his mother. “Thank you, it was a really fun time!” the teenager wrote in the comments. “He’s my son,” added his mother, Malia. “This makes me so proud, thank you.”

Many parents in the comments section added that they often see teens watching younger kids at skate and trampoline parks.

“Not only did they care enough to jump with him, they cared enough to make sure he was safe and not just get him in trouble,” Jumoout8 wrote. “Definitely not! It happened to my son at the trampoline park the other day! He kept running towards me: 'Mom, they said I'm doing a good job! I cried,'” added Emily Gould.

Josh's story is a heartwarming reminder that when push comes to shove — or the rebound comes for jumping at the trampoline park — teens can be just as caring and compassionate as anyone. Well done to the dad for sharing this moving moment with everyone and reminding them that there is a lot of good in this world; you just have to look in the right place.

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