
Ramiro Gonzales' execution will be 'joyful'

Bridget Townsend was just beginning life as a young woman in the small town of Bandera, Texas when Ramiro Gonzales raped and killed her. Her mother said she was “a beautiful person.”

Bridget Townsend was planning for the future. Texas, 18, worked full time at a resort and was anxiously waiting to hear back about his application to enter nursing school.

But on January 14, 2001, a man named Ramiro Gonzales stole all of that and every other moment and milestone that makes up a life when he kidnapped, raped and murdered Bridget.

“She was a beautiful person who loved life and people,” her mother, Patricia Townsend, told USA TODAY on Saturday. “Whenever she was with someone she hadn’t seen in a while, she had to hug them.[…]She didn't deserve what she got.

Now, more than 23 years later, Gonzales is scheduled to be executed for the crime in Texas on Wednesday, which would have been Bridget's 41st birthday. Patricia Townsend said the execution would be a “joyful occasion” for her and her family, who have waited so long for justice.

As Gonzales' execution approaches, USA TODAY looks back at the tragic crime, who Bridget was and what her family lost.

A terrible night

Bridget was at her boyfriend Joe Leal's house that terrible night.

Leal was selling drugs and Gonzales went to his house to steal cocaine, finding Bridget there alone.

After Gonzales entered and stole money, Bridget began calling Leal. That's when Gonzales overpowered her, tied her up and drove her to her grandfather's ranch, where he raped and shot her before dumping her body in a field, according to court records .

When Leal arrived home later that night, Bridget's truck, purse and keys were in their usual places, but he couldn't find her anywhere and called the police.

For almost two years, no one except Gonzales knew what had happened to Bridget. One day, while serving a life sentence for the rape and kidnapping of another woman, Gonzales decided to confess to Bridget's murder, leading authorities to her remains in a field in Bandera , a small town located 65 km northwest of San Antonio.

Gonzales was convicted of Bridget's murder in September 2006.

“Thank God I got to see her.”

Patricia Townsend last saw her daughter the same day she was killed. Townsend worked at a video store and had asked Bridget to come by and return a video to him.

“Thank God I was able to see her. And I told him I loved him. And I hugged her,” Townsend said.

Bridget left shortly after, saying she was going to bed because she had to drive to work in the morning. Townsend said goodbye to his daughter, reminding her that she loved him.

After Townsend closed the video store and went home for the night, she said she couldn't shake the feeling of hearing Bridget call her, “Mom.” She tried to call Bridget but there was no answer.

“And I said, 'Well, don't worry, Pat.' She said she had to get up early and go to work so she was probably sleeping,” Townsend said. “But I should have known because she always slept with her phone right next to her in case someone would call him.”

She thought about going to see Bridget but talked herself out of it.

“And still today, I regret not having gone,” she said. “Maybe I would have been there in time to stop him.”

Patricia Townsend receives the worst news of her life

For nearly two years, Townsend spent most of his time posting flyers about his daughter and pursuing leads.

Until one night, a Bandera County sheriff asked him to come to the station. Although she hoped her daughter would be alive regardless, she instead received the worst news of her life.

The sheriff told Townsend that Gonzales confessed to Bridget's murder, led police to her body and had some things he hoped she could identify.

“And I kept walking down the street. I couldn’t hear him anymore,” she said.

Towsend said she didn't even have a body to bury on Oct. 16, 2002, because Gonzales “wanted to see her body decompose.”

Townsend rejected Gonzales' arguments that a childhood filled with trauma and neglect led him down a path that ended in the murder of his daughter.

“He doesn’t deserve pity,” she said. “And his childhood should have nothing to do with it.” I know a lot of people who had difficult childhoods… He made his choice.”

It's Gonzales's fault he has no life left.

“He could go to school or have a wife and children,” she said. “I don't feel sorry for him at all and I don't want others to feel sorry for him. Some people I feel sorry for are his grandmother and grandfather who raised him.

What also comforted Townsend in the midst of his grief was that Gonzales was set to leave the world the same day Bridget arrived there.

“When they told me on June 26, I started crying and crying and crying,” she said. “It is his birthday.”

Instead of celebrating her daughter's 41st birthday, she will drive four hours from her home in San Antonio to the Texas State Penitentiary in Huntsville and watch Gonzales die.

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