
Q&A with Republican candidate Tracy Cross for Jasper County sheriff – Newton Daily News

Name: Tracy Cross

Age: 40

Hometown: Baxter

1. Introduce yourself to the voters of Jasper County and tell us why you are running.

My name is Tracy Cross. I am a fifth generation Jasper County resident. The Cross family settled outside of what is now Baxter in 1857. I am married to Jennifer Cross and have three daughters who will be the fourth generation to graduate from Baxter. My faith, my family and Jasper County are the three most important things to me. We are very involved in our church and our community. After spending my adult career as a craftsman, I was called into law enforcement in 2015 to serve a greater purpose and calling. I started as a police officer in Baxter in 2015 and in 2017 I became a deputy with the Jasper County Sheriff's Office. Through hard work, consistency, and dedication, I was promoted to Sergeant in 2020. I am currently a Team Leader for the Central Iowa Regional Tactical Team, a member of the Honor Guard and Treasurer of Jasper County Emergency Services, oversees the Sheriff's Office field training program and was a retired Deputy Nuke K9 handler.

Our county sheriff is the only position elected to enforce the law; I don't take this for granted. I am running for the Republican Party because I am a leader who will work alongside all employees of the Sheriff's Office, other first responders, and all departments and elected officials in Jasper County. I understand the importance of teamwork and having a vision for the office through open communication. I will continue to train and meet the standards required to be a Patrol Deputy while maintaining the administrative and civilian aspects of the Office. I took an oath to serve and protect Jasper County, and I will never ask anyone to do anything that I would not do myself. The Constitution protects all citizens of Jasper County. I will defend our God-given freedoms while being proactive against those who commit crimes against our citizens and communities. This profession carries considerable weight in making difficult decisions to protect citizens, employees and Jasper County. I rely on my faith and conservative values ​​to guide my leadership decisions and personal life.

2. What do you think the role of the county sheriff's office should be, especially when considering the addition of the ALS program?

The primary role of the Sheriff's Office will always be to serve the law enforcement needs of Jasper County through patrol, dispatch and jail. These departments will always be my first priority when it comes to budgeting, hiring and retention.

Most first responders will tell you that the rapid decline in volunteers and people wanting to work in these professions has caused us to adapt to the emergency medical needs of rural Jasper County. The preference will always be that local EMS services are able to respond to their calls and continue to serve their communities with pride. Understaffing or call volume can sometimes prevent rural EMS from responding to medical emergencies. The Sheriff's Office, Board of Supervisors and County EMS representatives worked together on the ALS program. I had the honor of working with our leaders to implement this program. The ALS program supports Jasper County EMS with reserve paramedics or assistant paramedics who respond to marked units with medical supplies and equipment that an ambulance would carry.

I have witnessed the benefits and quality of care that the ALS program provides to our citizens while on calls and working with them. I will always support the ALS program in Jasper County. Suppose the program continues to grow and becomes a full-time department; in this case, emergency management would be a better department to oversee the program.

3. In what ways do you think the Sheriff's Office can improve communication with residents, county departments, other agencies, and the media?

Communication and transparency are essential to maintaining strong relationships with citizens, departmental services and the media.

Citizens are the actors of our territory. Pre-COVID, I created opportunities throughout Jasper County for citizens to meet with the sheriff, supervisors, deputies and other department leaders. These events allowed citizens to voice their concerns, share support and build relationships. I will continue to be present in our communities and transparent with them regarding any changes or concerns occurring in their community. I will continue to use and expand our social media platform to provide important information about unfolding events and seek help from citizens when needed. Our citizens are the eyes and ears of Jasper County, and they also want to live in a safe community. They know their communities best!

I have always worked and communicated well with other law enforcement, fire, ambulance and county departments. We are all here to serve Jasper County as a team. Meeting regularly with leaders to share ideas and collaborate on future needs, training and resources is essential to building relationships and better serving our citizens.

Having an open relationship with the media and its accessibility is essential to providing citizens with answers and information from all sides.

4. Do you think the Sheriff's Office is meeting the needs of its employees and county residents?

The Sheriff's Office has prioritized regularly updating equipment and facilities with the support of the Board of Supervisors and citizens. Throughout my career, I have built strong relationships with employees of the Sheriff's Office. I worked with them to bring forward ideas and concerns to resolve problems and provide a safe working environment.

5. What are the biggest challenges the Sheriff's Office currently faces or will face and how would it address these issues?

One of the biggest challenges is staffing. Law enforcement is a difficult and demanding profession, and the number of applicants is at an all-time low nationwide. I will continue to hire only the best candidates who meet office standards. I owe it to current employees to uphold this standard. Hiring new employees will always be part of the job, but retaining current employees is essential. My priority is to support each employee in their professional and personal objectives.

6. What type of leader does the sheriff's office need?

Sheriff is one of the most important positions in our local government and occupies an individual who is an active member of the community. This person must protect the freedoms that God gave us while being proactive against those who carry out criminal activities in our country. We need a present and available sheriff, a leader who does not place himself above reproach and who is willing to ask for help and work with all county departments. A sheriff who encourages and celebrates all good things in the office, but is not afraid to enforce policies and standards to protect both the individual and Jasper County. Both of these are important because we are held to high standards of morality and integrity, and we are expected to act in the most difficult situations and provide the best service to our citizens. We need a leader who listens to the needs of his employees, citizens and other leaders and works with them to find the best solution. These are all qualities that I possess and practice daily. Please vote for Tracy Cross on June 4 for the Republican Party nominee for Jasper County Sheriff.

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